• I imported all my entries from MT to WP and I am getting some very weird errors. On the monthly archive pages some of the links and images aren’t appearing, but when I click on the post for the individual archive, the links and images are present.

    Has anyone else noticed this problem?
    I’m running one of the nightly builds 1.5
    Monthly Archive: https://muonproof.com/?m=200402
    Individual Archive: https://muonproof.com/?p=86

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  • It’s due to the use of Kubrick for your theme, which provides excerpts to posts on archive pages. See the last Q here:




    I am having this same problem i just noticed. (i haven’t moved from MT however…mine is fresh).

    I had a look at https://binarybonsai.com/kubrick/ but this seems to be outdated. It stated to change the line on 229 in index.php. Line 229 doesn’t exist, and the reference to the excerpt is already in the suggested config ?php the_content(‘Read the rest of this entry ??’); ?

    Any other ideas why links and images don’t show up on the archive pages?
    I’m using WP 1.5 nightly 2005-02-08 with Kubrick 1.2.5

    Joshua Sigar


    Do you have archive.php? If so, find the occurence of the_excerpt and make the necessary modification.



    Thanks i just saw that after doing a find all through all of the kubrick files. BTW it’s Line 43 in archive.php.

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