I’m seeing your new PDF search feature is released. It feels as though $1500/year is a bit steep. We want to search the 50 PDF files which our community association keeps online. The pricing comes to $30 per PDF per year, or $2.50 per PDF per month. Just for search. For a non-profit community website. That’s a lot.
You designed your pricing for medium and large corporations instead of smaller companies and non-profits. And that’s OK. But because we use WordPress, our annual recurring cost for plugins and related add-ons is currently at $150, and we have another $150 to spend when we find one-time-purchase plugins we want to add to the site.
Think about that. Adding Search IQ for PDFs would raise our current budget for recurring costs by 86%. Even if our site had $500 of recurring annual plugin fees right now, including Search IQ PDF searches would add a 21% line item to the budget. That’s a huge bump up in operating cost.
Naturally this makes me feel disappointed, but I’m not going to suggest that you shouldn’t make a profit on your software. Of course you should make money. Sadly you won’t be able to make any from us, or groups like ours. It’s a great product, though, and for those who can afford it, I hope they try it and help to make you successful.