• We recently had a few events (here’s one) where we took registrations and payments through our website.

    I have this Stripe plugin to collect payments and a plugin called Events Manager to take reservations. Some visitors had complications submitting their payment, and I was curious if there were any known issues. I didn’t see the events plugin nor our template (Tempera) counterindicated in the Stripe plugin documentation

    The complicated part is that I cannot recreate any of these user-reported errors. I have, however, heard the same or similar issues from multiple parties, so I believe there is truly some sort of issue. There’s a few different issues users reported:

    1. They are not able to submit payment online due to an error that JavaScript and cookies need to be enabled for the page to work. The people telling me about these errors aren’t the most tech-savvy, so they weren’t able to provide much extra info, e.g. browser, version, etc. Some did tell me they knew JS & cookies were enabled and they still received this error. It sounded like they were predominantly using IE, but at least one customer said Chrome. I would take these peoples’ CC info by phone and checkout as if I was them; I successfully used the same checkouts on Mac (Chrome & Safari), Windows (Chrome & IE), and Mobile (Safari & Chrome). I cannot reproduce this error unless I try to check out in an Incognito window, which I know blocks cookies. Some people told me they used multiple PCs and even tried on mobile unsuccessfully. Has anyone else had these complications?

    2. They enter CC info, click submit, see a green checkmark in place of the blue submit button (do not see the secondary redirect with the green box, transaction id, etc.), and assume payment went through. I don’t think it’s unreasonable that users expect that their payment went through when they saw the green with the checkmark. In this day of overflowing inboxes, they didn’t notice that they didn’t get an email confirmation, they don’t know that they’d typically be redirected to a page to see a bunch more information, and they didn’t check their statement or notice that the amount had not been charged to their CC. Has anyone else had this reported?

    3. This last one I heard least often: They submit payment through the popup, they say they see the redirect page with the green box which presumably provided a transaction id they don’t write down; they never receive a confirmation email, and we never receive payment. I presume that the same function that calls the page redirect also generates the confirmation email for the payment, so I’m not sure how they’d see one and not have the other. Also, I presume that if a transaction id is displayed, it’d be tied to our transactions in Stripe, which makes me think they don’t see the redirect page. Like I said, the troubleshooting details available are fuzzy at best, particularly for this reported scenario.

    Even though these events are in the past, we will do them again next year, and we still have donation links and payment for other items available through our website using this plugin. I wanted to reach out and see if any others have experienced similar issues and hopefully have been able to correct them.

    Any insight is appreciated in advance. Thank you!


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  • Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Thanks for the additional information.

    We are working hard right now to find out what could possibly be causing this (we have not been able to reproduce still) so we will be testing various things like browsers, plugin compatibility, etc.

    We are also looking into a way to notify the admin of the site of the payments coming through to check if they went through or not. This one is a little more difficult and may not get where we want it, but could be a possible option to help out with the situation.

    Again thanks for all of the information and if you come across anything more please share with us so we can continue to refine it.


    Thread Starter bruschr


    Hi Nick,
    Any updates or discoveries in any of your team’s testing?

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    A little bit. I have discovered something that looks like if the page doesn’t redirect to the success page then the charge will not go through. This actually makes sense from a code standpoint. Do you know if any of the times this issue has happened for you if the customer didn’t get redirected properly?

    I have also been talking directly with Stripe about ways to resolve this issue.

    Sorry it’s taking a while but it is a very tricky bug and hard to reproduce. We do thank you for your patience in the meantime. And I will try to keep you as updated as possible.


    Thread Starter bruschr


    I definitely understand it’s tricky to reproduce. Thanks for sticking with it!

    Unfortunately I’m not sure how many of my visitors were not redirected to the second success indicator when payment did not go through. I suspect all; however, since site visitors won’t know this is needed, they won’t know to tell me it didn’t happen, if that makes sense. I can try posting that both success indicators are needed for our next event, but I’m doubtful that people will read the directions when the interface otherwise seems so straightforward.

    Another solution for us would possibly be to pay first and tell us who you are to reserve your spot after. I’d have to do a custom success redirect page with the registration information, where I’m
    Currently using the default. I’m concerned, however, that we’d have more over-registrations this way. If they’re able to pay for 4 spots and only 3 remain, they won’t see it until payment is processed, and then we have another fee incurred to refund.

    Thanks for involving Stripe in the conversation as well! ??

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Yeah that’s exactly what I am afraid of too. The customer won’t really know to expect to see some sort of success message so they might assume that it completed either way – especially since the form already has a green check mark that makes it seem like all is good.

    We will keep doing what we can to try and narrow it down. If you do discover anything new it would be appreciated if you share it with us so we can get this resolved! ??


    Hi Nick,

    I just wanted to chime in and pass along that I’m experiencing the same issues as brusher. The user is receiving the green check and thinking their payment was successful are emailing me to figure out what’s going on. They never get redirected to our success page, or are emailed a receipt, but the green check has them thinking their payment went through. We’ve lost several hundred dollars to this glitch, definitely frustrating.

    Please let me know if you have any updates, this is a great plugin, but unfortunately these seemingly random issues are beginning to harm our business in a serious way.

    Also note that when this occurs, customers check their credit card account, it is displaying a transaction from us but for $0.00.

    Ok, I experienced the same problem and spent a couple of hours this morning recreating a test site, looking for the culprit.
    At least in my case, it turns out that there is a plugin conflict with WP-SpamShield.
    I noticed that @bruschr had that installed too… perhaps it was the same problem? Turn it off and see if it works for you.

    The reason it’s tricky and “seems” intermittent is that it works consistently (at least) in Chrome OS X but fails with other browsers/platforms.

    Unfortunately, brand new customers are unlikely to notify us site owners of problems.
    I’m sure the developers will keep doing everything they can to prevent some of these issues, whenever possible, but as a contingent action, I’d love to know if there was some way to automatically notify site admins when/if these problems occur.

    Anyway, I hope this helps others ??

    Thread Starter bruschr


    Thanks for finding that and sharing, @claudiop! I have used Safari on my iPhone to successfully checkout for users, but most of the time I was indeed using Chrome on iOS.

    Do you have a plugin you like/would recommend that performs similarly to WP-SpamShield that could take its place? I think I have Askimet installed but not activated (due to using WP-SpamShield). I can’t recall why I chose WPSS over Askimet long ago when I set it up.

    @mkbmx12: do you also have WP-SpamShield installed?

    Hello, glad to see this thread is active again because I’m also experiencing issue #2.

    Is it safe to assume that we are all still wondering how to fix this issue?

    ### WordPress Installation ###

    Site Name: Rezi Resumes
    Home URL: https://rezi.io
    Site URL: https://rezi.io
    Version: 4.4
    Locale: en_US
    Multisite: No
    Permalinks: /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/
    WP Memory Limit: 40 MB
    WP Debug Mode: No
    Script Debug: No

    ### Simple Pay Settings ###

    Plugin Version: 1.4.5
    payment_button_label: Get Hired
    success_redirect_url: rezi.io/thank-you
    failure_redirect_url: rezi.io/order-error
    alipay: false
    always_enqueue: 1
    enable_live_key: 1

    ### Active Theme ###

    Theme: Startup Framework for WordPress – 1.2.7
    Child Theme: No
    Parent Theme: –

    ### Active Plugins ###

    Yoast SEO: 3.0.7
    WP Simple Pay Lite for Stripe: 1.4.6
    UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore: 1.11.20
    Typekit Fonts for WordPress: 1.8
    Google Analyticator:
    Go Daddy Quick Setup: 1.06
    Responsive Lightbox: 1.6.6
    Crazyegg-Heatmap-Tracking: 1.1
    jQuery Smooth Scroll: 1.3.2
    SVG Complete: 1.0.2
    Theme Check: 20151211.1
    WP Facebook Pixel: 2.0
    KingSumo Giveaways: 1.3.11

    ### Server Environment ###

    Web Server: Apache
    PHP Version: 5.4.42
    MySQL Version: 5.5.43-37.2-log
    Server Timezone: UTC
    Display Errors: Yes
    Safe Mode: No
    Memory Limit: 256M
    Upload Max Filesize: 64M
    Post Max Size: 65M
    Max Execution Time: 30
    Max Input Vars: 1000
    fsockopen: Yes
    cURL: Yes
    SOAP: Yes
    WP Remote POST: Yes
    WP Remote GET: Yes

    ### Client Information ###

    IP Address:
    Browser: Chrome 47.0.2526.106 (Apple)

    Thread Starter bruschr


    I notice that @jake_sk doesn’t have WP-SpamShield on his list. Looking back, neither did @baystrength.

    I also have not and never used WP-SpamShied.

    Same thing happened again with another customer today. Does anyone know a similar product or plugin that works? I love the ease of this, but this issue is costing my business too much money. I’m happy to switch back once this issue has been resolved.

    Here are my settings:

    ### WordPress Installation ###

    Site Name: **Site Name**
    Home URL: **home URL**
    Site URL: **site URL**
    Version: 4.4
    Locale: en_US
    Multisite: No
    Permalinks: /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/
    WP Memory Limit: 40 MB
    WP Debug Mode: No
    Script Debug: No

    ### Simple Pay Settings ###

    Plugin Version: 1.4.5
    name: ***company name***
    image_url: ***custom image used***
    checkout_button_label: Purchase
    payment_button_label: Purchase
    success_redirect_url: **success page used***
    disable_success_message: 1
    billing: 1
    verify_zip: 1
    alipay: false
    always_enqueue: 1
    uninstall_save_settings: 1
    enable_live_key: 1
    test_secret_key: **hidden**
    test_publish_key: **hidden**

    ### Active Theme ###

    Theme: Jupiter – 4.4.3
    Child Theme: No
    Parent Theme: –

    ### Active Plugins ###

    WP Simple Pay Lite for Stripe: 1.4.6
    Envato WordPress Toolkit: 1.7.3
    Custom VC Column Layout: 1.1
    WPBakery Visual Composer (Artbees Modified Version): 4.7.4
    Duplicate Post: 2.6
    Search Engine Visibility: 0.5

    ### Server Environment ###

    Web Server: Apache
    PHP Version: 5.4.42
    MySQL Version: 5.5.43-37.2-log
    Server Timezone: UTC
    Display Errors: Yes
    Safe Mode: No
    Memory Limit: 256M
    Upload Max Filesize: 64M
    Post Max Size: 65M
    Max Execution Time: 30
    Max Input Vars: 1000
    fsockopen: Yes
    cURL: Yes
    SOAP: Yes
    WP Remote POST: Yes
    WP Remote GET: No (Operation timed out after 2001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received)

    ### Client Information ###

    IP Address: **hidden**
    Browser: Safari 9.0.2 (Apple)

    Ugh. This issue is killing me. Just lost 2 customers and over $1600 in the last two days. They get the green check and the credit card statement shows a charge but only in the amount of $0.00. As it’s a startup they eventually back off and get spooked, thinking I have a shoddy payment system, might mean a shady business as well. Killing not only my income stream, but reputation right alongside it. Any help is greatly appreciated asap. Thanks!

    Also a few weeks ago when this happened another customer attempted payment to see what happened they called their bank and said that their bank recognized the receiver as having a hidden identity and for that reason rejected payment. Any ideas on how to correct this, perhaps this is an issue with Stripe (?)

    I also just added a payment failure page. Hopefully, at least if this happens, will inspire confidence and understanding and if this issue happens again, the customer will be charged there so there is instant clarification.

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