Internal Server Error 500
I have last update and I get this error every time i try to crop image:
status: 500, statusText: “Internal Server Error”, requestUrl: “/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php”After refreshing page, image is cropped.
Please go to Settings>crop Thumbnails and try to run the quick-test.
Post the results here.INFO Crop-Thumbnails 1.1.0
INFO PHP 5.6.32
INFO PHP memory limit 256M
INFO WP_Image_Editor_Imagick (choosed WordPress imageeditor class for jpg)
SUCCESS Temporary directory exists
SUCCESS Copy testfile to temporary directory
SUCCESS Testfile was successfully added to media-library. (ID:531)
SUCCESS Cropping the file
SUCCESS Cropped image dimensions are correct.
SUCCESS Test-attachement successfull deleted (ID:531)
SUCCESS Remove testfile from temporary directory
INFO Tests completeIs it possible for you to edit php files from the plugin? If so we could try to changed content of one file to check if we can fix the error.
Yes it is. I’m developer on that site.
OK, i will send you the file save.php – but currently im in a meeting – so in round about an hour you get the file.
Thank you very much! ??
Hi – sorry im late – but that’s the file. Replace the content of “functions/save.php” with the following code.
Are there any changes in behaviour?<?php $cptSave = new CptSaveThumbnail(); add_action( 'wp_ajax_cptSaveThumbnail', array($cptSave, 'saveThumbnailAjaxWrap') ); class CptSaveThumbnail { private static $debug = array(); /** * Handle-function called via ajax request. * Check and crop multiple images. Update with wp_update_attachment_metadata if needed. * Input parameters: * * $_REQUEST['selection'] - json-object - data of the selection/crop * * $_REQUEST['raw_values'] - json-object - data of the original image * * $_REQUEST['activeImageSizes'] - json-array - array with data of the images to crop * The main code is wraped via try-catch - the errorMessage will send back to JavaScript for displaying in an alert-box. * Called die() at the end. */ public function saveThumbnail() { $globalHelper = $GLOBALS['CROP_THUMBNAILS_HELPER']; $jsonResult = array(); $settings = $globalHelper->getOptions(); try { $input = $this->getValidatedInput(); self::addDebug('validated input data'); self::addDebug($input); $sourceImgPath = get_attached_file( $input->sourceImageId ); if(empty($sourceImgPath)) { throw new Exception(__("ERROR: Can't find original image file!",'crop-thumbnails'), 1); } $imageMetadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata($input->sourceImageId, true);//get the attachement metadata of the post if(empty($imageMetadata)) { throw new Exception(__("ERROR: Can't find original image metadata!",'crop-thumbnails'), 1); } //from DB $dbImageSizes = $globalHelper->getImageSizes(); /** * will be filled with the new image-url if the image format isn't in the attachements metadata, * and WordPress doesn't know about the image file */ $changedImageName = array(); $_processing_error = array(); foreach($input->activeImageSizes as $activeImageSize) { if(!self::isImageSizeValid($activeImageSize,$dbImageSizes)) { self::addDebug("Image size not valid."); continue; } $oldFile_toDelete = ''; if(empty($imageMetadata['sizes'][$activeImageSize->name])) { self::addDebug('Image filename has changed ('.$activeImageSize->name . ')'); $changedImageName[ $activeImageSize->name ] = true; } else { //the old size hasent got the right image-size/image-ratio --> delete it or nobody will ever delete it correct if($imageMetadata['sizes'][$activeImageSize->name]['width'] != intval($activeImageSize->width) || $imageMetadata['sizes'][$activeImageSize->name]['height'] != intval($activeImageSize->height) ) { $oldFile_toDelete = $imageMetadata['sizes'][$activeImageSize->name]['file']; $changedImageName[ $activeImageSize->name ] = true; } } $croppedSize = self::getCroppedSize($activeImageSize,$imageMetadata,$input); $currentFilePath = self::generateFilename($sourceImgPath, $croppedSize['width'], $croppedSize['height']); self::addDebug("filename: ".$currentFilePath); $currentFilePathInfo = pathinfo($currentFilePath); $temporaryCopyFile = $globalHelper->getUploadDir().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$currentFilePathInfo['basename']; $result = wp_crop_image( // * @return string|WP_Error|false New filepath on success, WP_Error or false on failure. $input->sourceImageId, // * @param string|int $src The source file or Attachment ID. $input->selection->x, // * @param int $src_x The start x position to crop from. $input->selection->y, // * @param int $src_y The start y position to crop from. $input->selection->x2 - $input->selection->x, // * @param int $src_w The width to crop. $input->selection->y2 - $input->selection->y, // * @param int $src_h The height to crop. $croppedSize['width'], // * @param int $dst_w The destination width. $croppedSize['height'], // * @param int $dst_h The destination height. false, // * @param int $src_abs Optional. If the source crop points are absolute. $temporaryCopyFile // * @param string $dst_file Optional. The destination file to write to. ); $_error = false; if(empty($result)) { $_processing_error[$activeImageSize->name][] = sprintf(__("Can't generate filesize '%s'.",'crop-thumbnails'), $activeImageSize->name); $_error = true; } else { if(!empty($oldFile_toDelete)) { self::addDebug("delete old image:".$oldFile_toDelete); @unlink($currentFilePathInfo['dirname'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$oldFile_toDelete); } if(!@copy($result,$currentFilePath)) { $_processing_error[$activeImageSize->name][] = __("Can't copy temporary file to media library.", 'crop-thumbnails'); $_error = true; } if(!@unlink($result)) { $_processing_error[$activeImageSize->name][] = __("Can't delete temporary file.", 'crop-thumbnails'); $_error = true; } } if(!$_error) { //update metadata --> otherwise new sizes will not be updated $imageMetadata = self::updateMetadata($imageMetadata, $activeImageSize->name, $currentFilePathInfo, $croppedSize['width'], $croppedSize['height']); } else { self::addDebug('error on '.$currentFilePathInfo['basename']); self::addDebug($_processing_error); } }//END foreach //we have to update the posts metadate //otherwise new sizes will not be updated $imageMetadata = apply_filters('crop_thumbnails_before_update_metadata', $imageMetadata, $input->sourceImageId); wp_update_attachment_metadata( $input->sourceImageId, $imageMetadata); //generate result; if(!empty($changedImageName)) { //there was a change in the image-formats foreach($changedImageName as $key=>$value) { $newImageLocation = wp_get_attachment_image_src($input->sourceImageId, $key); $changedImageName[ $key ] = $newImageLocation[0]; } $jsonResult['changedImageName'] = $changedImageName; } if(!empty($_processing_error)) {//one or more errors happend when generating thumbnails $jsonResult['processingErrors'] = $_processing_error; } if(!empty($settings['debug_data'])) { $jsonResult['debug'] = self::getDebug(); } $jsonResult['success'] = time();//time for cache-breaker echo json_encode($jsonResult); } catch (Exception $e) { if(!empty($settings['debug_data'])) { $jsonResult['debug'] = self::getDebug(); } $jsonResult['error'] = $e->getMessage(); echo json_encode($jsonResult); } } /** * Get the end-size of the cropped image in pixels. * Attention: these sizes are used to name the file. * @param object $activeImageSize The image size that should be used * @param [type] $imageMetadata [description] * @param [type] $input [description] * @return {[type] [description] */ public static function getCroppedSize($activeImageSize,$imageMetadata,$input) { //set target size of the cropped image $croppedWidth = $activeImageSize->width; $croppedHeight = $activeImageSize->height; try { if($activeImageSize->width===9999) { $croppedWidth = intval($imageMetadata['width']); } elseif($activeImageSize->height===9999) { $croppedHeight = intval($imageMetadata['height']); } elseif(intval($activeImageSize->width)===0 && intval($activeImageSize->height)===0) { $croppedWidth = $input->selection->x2 - $input->selection->x; $croppedHeight = $input->selection->y2 - $input->selection->y; } elseif(intval($activeImageSize->width)===0) { $croppedWidth = intval(( intval($imageMetadata['width']) / intval($imageMetadata['height']) ) * $activeImageSize->height); $croppedHeight = $activeImageSize->height; } elseif(intval($activeImageSize->height)===0) { $croppedWidth = $activeImageSize->width; $croppedHeight = intval(( intval($imageMetadata['height']) / intval($imageMetadata['width']) ) * $activeImageSize->width); } /* --- no need to use that --- if(!$activeImageSize->crop) { $croppedWidth = $input->selection->x2 - $input->selection->x; $croppedHeight = $input->selection->y2 - $input->selection->y; }*/ } catch(Exception $e) { $croppedWidth = 10; $croppedHeight = 10; } return array('width' => $croppedWidth, 'height'=> $croppedHeight); } /** * This function is called by the wordpress-ajax-callback. Its only purpose is to call the * saveThumbnail function and die(). * All wordpress ajax-functions should call the "die()" function in the end. But this makes * phpunit tests impossible - so we have to wrap it. */ public function saveThumbnailAjaxWrap() { $this->saveThumbnail(); die(); } private static function addDebug($text) { self::$debug[] = $text; } private static function getDebug() { if(!empty(self::$debug)) { return self::$debug; } return array(); } private static function updateMetadata($imageMetadata, $imageSizeName, $currentFilePathInfo, $croppedWidth, $croppedHeight) { $fullFilePath = trailingslashit($currentFilePathInfo['dirname']) . $currentFilePathInfo['basename']; $newValues = array(); $newValues['file'] = $currentFilePathInfo['basename']; $newValues['width'] = intval($croppedWidth); $newValues['height'] = intval($croppedHeight); $newValues['mime-type'] = mime_content_type($fullFilePath); $oldValues = array(); if(empty($imageMetadata['sizes'])) { $imageMetadata['sizes'] = array(); } if(!empty($imageMetadata['sizes'][$imageSizeName])) { $oldValues = $imageMetadata['sizes'][$imageSizeName]; } $imageMetadata['sizes'][$imageSizeName] = array_merge($oldValues,$newValues); do_action('crop_thumbnails_after_save_new_thumb', $fullFilePath, $imageSizeName, $imageMetadata['sizes'][$imageSizeName] ); return $imageMetadata; } /** * @param object data of the new ImageSize the user want to crop * @param array all available ImageSizes * @return boolean true if the newImageSize is in the list of ImageSizes and dimensions are correct */ private static function isImageSizeValid(&$submitted,$dbData) { if(empty($submitted->name)) { return false; } if(empty($dbData[$submitted->name])) { return false; } //restore the default data just to make sure nothing is compromited $submitted->crop = empty($dbData[$submitted->name]['crop']) ? 0 : 1; $submitted->width = $dbData[$submitted->name]['width']; $submitted->height = $dbData[$submitted->name]['height']; //eventually we want to test some more later return true; } /** * Some basic validations and value transformations * @return object JSON-Object with submitted data * @throw Exception if the security validation fails */ private function getValidatedInput() { $globalHelper = $GLOBALS['CROP_THUMBNAILS_HELPER']; if(!check_ajax_referer($globalHelper->getNonceBase(),'_ajax_nonce',false)) { throw new Exception(__("ERROR: Security Check failed (maybe a timeout - please try again).",'crop-thumbnails'), 1); } if(empty($_REQUEST['crop_thumbnails'])) { throw new Exception(__('ERROR: Submitted data is incomplete.','crop-thumbnails'), 1); } $input = json_decode(stripcslashes($_REQUEST['crop_thumbnails'])); if(empty($input->selection) || empty($input->sourceImageId) || !isset($input->activeImageSizes)) { throw new Exception(__('ERROR: Submitted data is incomplete.','crop-thumbnails'), 1); } if(!isset($input->selection->x) || !isset($input->selection->y) || !isset($input->selection->x2) || !isset($input->selection->y2)) { throw new Exception(__('ERROR: Submitted data is incomplete.','crop-thumbnails'), 1); } $input->selection->x = intval($input->selection->x); $input->selection->y = intval($input->selection->y); $input->selection->x2 = intval($input->selection->x2); $input->selection->y2 = intval($input->selection->y2); if($input->selection->x < 0 || $input->selection->y < 0) { throw new Exception(__('Cropping to these dimensions on this image is not possible.','crop-thumbnails'), 1); } $input->sourceImageId = intval($input->sourceImageId); $_tmp = get_post($input->sourceImageId);//need to be its own var - cause of old php versions if(empty($_tmp)) { throw new Exception(__("ERROR: Can't find original image in database!",'crop-thumbnails'), 1); } return $input; } /** * Generate the Filename (and path) of the thumbnail based on width and height the same way as wordpress do. * @see generate_filename in wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor.php * @param string Path to the original (full-size) file. * @param int width of the new image * @param int height of the new image * @return string path to the new image */ private static function generateFilename( $file, $w, $h ){ $info = pathinfo($file); $dir = $info['dirname']; $ext = $info['extension']; $name = wp_basename($file, '.'.$ext); $suffix = $w.'x'.$h; $destfilename = $dir.'/'.$name.'-'.$suffix.'.'.$ext; return $destfilename; } }
Also, did you get any further informations about the internal server error – a error log for example?
I change the code, but it’s still same error.
I’m using WP hide plugin which chage URL of admin, so I try to deactive them, but nothing happend. Also deleted htaccess file…
thank you for the screenshot – damn, that do not look good. Some other users also reported about a bug in the save.php but i didnt get an exact error get get an starting point for debugging.
I will try to setup a php 5.5 or 5.6 myself to get more informations about the bug. I you want to help, you might try to find the line where the error happens by commenting the lines of code between 20 and line 144.
If you mean at save.php, I just did it. Loading is showed up and nothing happened.
Do you want to send you account so you can see on live site?I have same problem on different pages on different servers.
With last update problem was ‘WP hide’ plugin, then your plugin couldn’t find admin ajax url. Now it finds url but returns 500 error.Just tried on different server, it returns 404 error (but image is cropped when reopened attachement page).
If got no problems running the plugin on my server with
– PHP 5.5.38-nmm3
– PHP 5.6.32-nmm1
nmm1 is some kind of hardend php. I do not know what is different from your version.- Do you run crop-thumbnails in Version 0.10.x before and does it work?
- What value do you use for WP_DEBUG in your wp-config.php?
If i could have a look on your server that would be great – but i will need ftp and a wordpress user. We should talk about that via e-mail / skype / slack. You can find my email on
Yes I used it before and it worked.
I don’t use WP_DEBUG currently, but can put it in wp-config.php
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