• I’m having an internal server error for my website, only with google chrome browser. I tried other browsers: Opera, Edge, Firefox.. all are fine, it also was fine when trying google in the incognito window. I tried to re-install wordpress, update .htaccess file, delete recent themes, and deactivate recent plugins. increase the increase PHP memory limit, uninstall and reinstall google .. nothing works for me.. I checked the error log in my c-panel. the last error was reported in 14th July-2017. but my issue arose in 15th july.. any suggestion?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by abd-mfn.
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  • Moderator cubecolour


    What is the URL of your site?

    Does this occur only on specific pages or on all pages/posts/archives etc?

    Does the error occur if you temporarily switch to a default twenty-x theme (eg twenty-seventeen) and deactivate all plugins?

    I checked the error log in my c-panel. the last error was reported in 14th July-2017

    What was that error?

    Thread Starter abd-mfn


    this was happening with the whole site..
    Switching to any theme would not resolve the issue..

    Clearing the google browser history (from the beginning) including cached data and cookies resolved my problem..

    Thanks for your concern..


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