• nmckean


    Hi team,

    Unless I am missing something, there is no way to easily determine between an internal link and an external link when adding links to the buttons in a buttons block. I had hoped either (a) the system would be smart enough to know and could add a css class OR linking to pages within the site would result in relative links rather than absolte links (so we could hook into that).

    If I am right, I’d like to request a change to enable the ability to discern internal vs external links. Why? because many people believe it polite, accessible and usable to inform a user before they click if they will be taken to a different site (and now, these don’t always open in a new tab/window).

    Being able to hook into this would allow for external links to use the :after pseudo class to add the common external link icon. At present, the only way I see to do this is to add a style variant, but until styles become additive (ie.e choose fill vs outline + large vs small etc, adding an extra dimension requires creating a lot more style variants. I would much rather do the logic automatically without content editor intervention.

    If it is possible however, feel free to share.

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