So, I’ve written up a hack that solves this problem (for now), which I’ve tested in some IE 8.0/10.0 emulators. Essentially, the height tags need to be specified in the style tag (and I’ve also specified it in the HTML height tag attribute, just in case). Add the following bit of code below the comment which reads “/* If there is a width or height, set them as HMTL-ready attributes. */” in the following file:
$temp_width = esc_attr($width);
/* find the dimensions of the original uploaded image */
$img_attr = getimagesize($image['url']);
$widthz = $img_attr[0];
$heightz = $img_attr[1];
/* find the appropriate resize percentage */
$percentage = ($temp_width / $widthz);
$new_height = round($heightz * $percentage);
$stylez = $args['style'];
/* find the max height setting from the smooth-slider properties */
preg_match('/max\-height\:(\d+)px/i',$stylez, $matches);
$max_height = $matches[1];
/* if the new height ends up being larger than the max height set,
then just set it to the max height to keep it constrained */
if($new_height > $max_height){
$new_height = $max_height;
/* set the new height */
$height = $new_height;
/* Find the position of the end quotation */
$pos = strrpos($style, '"');
/* insert height style tag at the end based on the above position */
$style = substr_replace($style, "height:".$height."px;", $pos, 0);