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  • Thread Starter generalrage1982hrv


    no one ???? ahhh never mind will find a way

    I took a look at your site and it seems I’m having a similar problem. I almost overlooked it until it was pointed out to me since I normally only use firefox. If I find a solution (this was the first page I found in my search), I will let you know.
    My problem is that the static homepage does not load the text in Internet Explorer. It loads just fine in Firefox. The site I’m working on this issue with is

    I believe I found your issue. (My search ended quickly ?? )
    Take a look at this link:
    It solved my problem. I copied and pasted a couple of pages from Word and I forgot to delete all of the excess tags. You actually don’t need any of the tags that come in from Word, so you can delete them all and then do your usual formatting with the styles from your css.
    I looked at the source code for your homepage and I found several instances where there are tags from Word. Your source code may appear on different lines, but the lines should be somewhat similar. For example on Line 121 (approximately) you have:
    <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;">Core i5 u rujnu</span></p>
    You can delete the whole p and span tags.
    I believe the biggest offenders (from what I’ve read) are ones that have something like <!--[if gte mso 9]> (You have one of these located on approximately line 160)
    Do you know how to get into the html part of the visual editor for you pages? If you are using the default editor there is a tab at the top right of the editor marked “html” that allows you to switch between html and visual modes. Under html mode you can see all of the excess word tags and delete them.

    I hope this helps. ??

    Thread Starter generalrage1982hrv


    thank you that was usefull information
    now i need to find a way to block that command in php

    Are you pasting content from Word into the visual editor? If so, and you are using the default visual editor with WordPress, there is a button that allows you to paste from Word. By default, the button is not shown. If you look at the top row of buttons above the editor, the icon on the far right, when you hover over it, says something like “kitchen sink”. If you click that button, another row of buttons will appear. There is a button that has a “W” on it, this is the paste from word button. If you use this when pasting from word, it will clean off all of the word tags.
    I think that would be much easier than figuring out how to get that command blocked in the php. ??

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