Internetmarke not working properly since update
Hi there,
We’ve updated the Internetmarke plugin today, but are experiencing quite some issues.
1. When we want to generate the label in the bulk funcion a window opens and we can choose the shipping product. But there should also be an option ‘tracked’ which isn’t there.
We only use two shipping methods: ‘warenpost int. kilotarif (non EU), Warenpost int. Kilotarif (EU/USt.)’, we don’t use the ones which Internetmarke suggests.
– We can generate all the labels manually (hoping that the status will change),
– Quick-buy doesn’t work either.
– Before I could download the labels, I had to go to the Internetmarke à Prepared à and “order label”
Then I went back into the order and could download the label there.
All the labels I created this afternoon are now under “Failed”, which isn’t correct.
In the past, created labels were in “Ready to ship”
– For all the orders I prepared a lbel, an error message shows up: ‘internetmarke – shipment creation failed. Label: Warenpost Int. KT Tracked (EU/USt.) für Internetmarke. Error: The stream or file “/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins-woo-dp-internetmarke/logs/internetmrke_ could not be opened in append mode: failed to open stream: Permission denied.So quite some issues. As we are in our busiest selling period of the year, I hope you can help. You can also please email me on [email protected] to further help.
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