Hi @misterwindsurfer
Thanks for response!
I looked into it closer and I think I might have some idea on the cause of this. It may actually be a bug (not discovered earlier) but I’m not yet quite sure so may I ask you for a bit more help with this?
1. Please go to the “Forminator -> Settings -> Data” page and look at the “File Upload Storage” option setting.
– if it’s set to “Custom”, let me know what path is defined there (feel free to “mask” any sensitive data there if needed) and then try switching it to “Default” instead of “Custom” and save settings
– if it’s already set to “Default” – switch it to custom, save settings, and switch back to “Default” and save settings again
After that, edit you form in question and do some (any, it can be e.g. adding and removing some field) change there and update the form.
Finally, clear all cache again and test if the issue is still happening.
2. If it is still happening, would you be able to do a bit more complex test (I’m asking because I still can’t fully replicate the issue)? It would go as follows:
a) you would need to edit one of the Forminator files temporarily
– the file is /wp-content/plugins/forminator/library/helpers/helper-fields.php
– and you’d need to replace this code (line 2391)
$dir = wp_upload_dir();
with this
error_log( "### FORMINATOR CSS DEBUG ### ");
error_log( print_r( $dir, true ) );
error_log( "### FORMINATOR CSS DEBUG END ### ");
$dir = wp_upload_dir();
b) once change is done, enable debugging on the site by adding following lines to the “wp-config.php” file of the site, right above “/* That’s all, stop editing */”:
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
c) then clear all caches and load page with the form a few times
d) after that look into the “/wp-content/” folder and you should see the “debug.log” file there. In that file look for lines between
and share them with us (again, if there’s any sensitive data, mask it).
Once that’s done please undo both changes (points a and b).
I would appreciate such help a lot!
Best regards,