Hello @aicee11 and @cleacos !!
“I’m getting that error in Invoices and not Quotes.”
A: I’m getting that on both (just checked)
“When you create a new Invoice and try to set the correct date, are you getting the error?”
A: Once I create the Invoice it shows the today’s date (https://ibb.co/p1Sz8D8), however If I try to edit it I get ‘invalid value’; if I simply save it, when I try to edit or view the Invoice, It shows ‘false’ value: https://ibb.co/PrC4v6j
“Can you try to paste the date 10/01/2021 then, click the save or update button.”
A: After pasting the date and pressing TAB it changes to the “Invalid Value” again.
“What WP version do you have installed? 5.5?”
A: 5.8.1
“Installing and enabling jQuery Migrate Help could resolve the issue.”
A: After installing and enabling the pluggin, I got those warnings in the Edit Quote Page: https://ibb.co/99H0Z0H
“could you deactivate all the plugins except Jetpack CRM and try again?”
A: The error persists