• I’m receiving these errors:

    [Aug 01 16:35:31:1470044131.890386:2:error] Scan terminated with error: Invalid response from Wordfence servers.
    [Aug 01 16:35:28:1470044128.926410:2:info] Found 6 themes
    [Aug 01 16:35:28:1470044128.923113:2:info] Getting theme list from WordPress
    [Aug 01 16:35:28:1470044128.921563:2:info] Found 11 plugins
    [Aug 01 16:35:28:1470044128.913852:2:info] Getting plugin list from WordPress
    [Aug 01 16:35:28:1470044128.913567:2:info] Including files that are outside the WordPress installation in the scan.
    [Aug 01 16:35:27:1470044127.818241:1:info] Contacting Wordfence to initiate scan

    My domain is japracool.com, what happened? Yesterday was fine. Also my addon domain (ngeprint.co.id) cannot get free API key from Wordfence scanning servers. Does the server down?


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  • Hi Japracool,
    Are you still having this issue? may I ask what do you get under (Wordfence > Diagnostics => Connectivity)?

    Are you running WordPress Network (multisite)?


    Thread Starter Japracool


    Yes, I’m still having this issue.

    1. It showed me “OK”
    2. Nope

    I tried to contact my hosting company and they said they had allowed ip from Wordfence. Here’s the result:

    [~]# traceroute -I -w 10 noc1.wordfence.com
    traceroute to noc1.wordfence.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
    1 64.1.13.static-45.masterweb.com ( 0.031 ms 0.004 ms 0.004 ms
    2 ( 0.244 ms 0.356 ms 0.402 ms
    3 ( 0.603 ms 0.638 ms 0.637 ms
    4 ( 0.703 ms 0.722 ms 0.721 ms
    5 ( 16.186 ms 16.192 ms 16.212 ms
    6 snge-b1-link.telia.net ( 16.209 ms 15.928 ms 15.933 ms
    7 las-b21-link.telia.net ( 190.349 ms 190.431 ms 190.540 ms
    8 ae8.edge1.LosAngeles.Level3.net ( 186.333 ms 186.476 ms 186.458 ms
    9 * * *
    10 NETRIVER-IN.ear2.Seattle1.Level3.net ( 201.666 ms 201.614 ms 201.640 ms
    11 rtr2.te7-5.lw.netriver.net ( 215.124 ms 215.635 ms 215.584 ms
    12 noc1.wordfence.com ( 215.142 ms 215.055 ms 215.027 ms
    Thread Starter Japracool


    I still can’t use Wordfence on japracool.com and ngeprint.co.id.

    Please go to (Wordfence > Diagnostics) and scroll down the page then choose “Enable debugging mode“, after that go to (Wordfence > Scan) and click on “Start a Wordfence Scan”.

    Paste any errors you may get here to check, and don’t forget to turn off the “debugging mode” after you finish the scan.

    On both websites you got the connection status “OK”?


    Thread Starter Japracool


    This is from japracool.com, here’s the result:

    [Aug 06 02:23:22:1470425002.316021:10:info] SUM_KILLED:Previous scan terminated with an error. See below.
    [Aug 06 02:23:22:1470425002.315735:2:error] Scan terminated with error: Invalid response from Wordfence servers.
    [Aug 06 02:23:21:1470425001.277719:4:info] Calling Wordfence API v2.23:https://noc1.wordfence.com/v2.23/?v=4.5.3&s=http%3A%2F%2Fjapracool.com&k=18fa3eeaf97065def74aa6a2ab72bcad3060c513ad26e387ae7ce74bb0cd185fb7664999714ff3770990fca4c3dd218ce7185927e39885f80d02cd807998d79f&openssl=268439647&phpv=5.4.45&betaFeed=0&cacheType=&action=record_scan_metrics
    [Aug 06 02:23:21:1470425001.277003:10:info] SUM_ENDERR:Fetching core, theme and plugin file signatures from Wordfence
    [Aug 06 02:23:20:1470425000.939940:4:info] Scan process ended after forking.
    [Aug 06 02:23:19:1470424999.326928:4:info] Calling Wordfence API v2.23:https://noc1.wordfence.com/v2.23/?v=4.5.3&s=http%3A%2F%2Fjapracool.com&k=18fa3eeaf97065def74aa6a2ab72bcad3060c513ad26e387ae7ce74bb0cd185fb7664999714ff3770990fca4c3dd218ce7185927e39885f80d02cd807998d79f&openssl=268439647&phpv=5.4.45&betaFeed=0&cacheType=&action=get_known_files
    [Aug 06 02:23:19:1470424999.326233:10:info] SUM_START:Fetching core, theme and plugin file signatures from Wordfence
    [Aug 06 02:23:19:1470424999.321107:2:info] Found 6 themes
    [Aug 06 02:23:19:1470424999.317675:2:info] Getting theme list from WordPress
    [Aug 06 02:23:19:1470424999.315902:2:info] Found 12 plugins
    [Aug 06 02:23:19:1470424999.306566:2:info] Getting plugin list from WordPress
    [Aug 06 02:23:19:1470424999.306262:2:info] Including files that are outside the WordPress installation in the scan.
    [Aug 06 02:23:18:1470424998.270977:4:info] Calling Wordfence API v2.23:https://noc1.wordfence.com/v2.23/?v=4.5.3&s=http%3A%2F%2Fjapracool.com&k=18fa3eeaf97065def74aa6a2ab72bcad3060c513ad26e387ae7ce74bb0cd185fb7664999714ff3770990fca4c3dd218ce7185927e39885f80d02cd807998d79f&openssl=268439647&phpv=5.4.45&betaFeed=0&cacheType=&action=log_scan
    [Aug 06 02:23:18:1470424998.270571:1:info] Contacting Wordfence to initiate scan
    [Aug 06 02:23:18:1470424998.269197:10:info] SUM_ENDOK:Scanning your site for the HeartBleed vulnerability
    [Aug 06 02:23:16:1470424996.615771:4:info] Calling Wordfence API v2.23:https://noc1.wordfence.com/v2.23/?v=4.5.3&s=http%3A%2F%2Fjapracool.com&k=18fa3eeaf97065def74aa6a2ab72bcad3060c513ad26e387ae7ce74bb0cd185fb7664999714ff3770990fca4c3dd218ce7185927e39885f80d02cd807998d79f&openssl=268439647&phpv=5.4.45&betaFeed=0&cacheType=&action=scan_heartbleed
    [Aug 06 02:23:16:1470424996.615004:10:info] SUM_START:Scanning your site for the HeartBleed vulnerability
    [Aug 06 02:23:14:1470424994.612661:10:info] SUM_PAIDONLY:Checking if your site is on the Google Safe Browsing list is for paid members only
    [Aug 06 02:23:12:1470424992.612057:10:info] SUM_PAIDONLY:Checking if your IP is generating spam is for paid members only
    [Aug 06 02:23:10:1470424990.611473:10:info] SUM_PAIDONLY:Check if your site is being Spamvertized is for paid members only
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.611034:10:info] SUM_PAIDONLY:Remote scan of public facing site only available to paid members
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.607950:4:info] getMaxExecutionTime() returning half ini value: 15
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.607710:4:info] Got max_execution_time value from ini: 30
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.607468:4:info] Got value from wf config maxExecutionTime:
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.606975:10:info] SUM_PREP:Preparing a new scan.
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.605613:4:info] Setting up scanRunning and starting scan
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.605313:4:info] Setting up error handling environment
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.604769:4:info] Requesting max memory
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.603866:4:info] Checking if scan is already running
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.603603:4:info] Done become admin
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.603322:4:info] Scan authentication complete.
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.601189:4:info] Scan will run as admin user 'Japracool' with ID '1' sourced from: singlesite get_users() function
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.599900:4:info] Becoming admin for scan
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.599664:4:info] Checking saved cronkey against cronkey param
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.599256:4:info] Exploding stored cronkey
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.558028:4:info] Fetching stored cronkey for comparison.
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.557782:4:info] Checking cronkey
    [Aug 06 02:23:08:1470424988.557443:4:info] Scan engine received request.
    [Aug 06 02:23:07:1470424987.937633:4:info] Starting cron with normal ajax at URL https://japracool.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wordfence_doScan&isFork=0&cronKey=4f2175415cd0b6011ea27cf
    [Aug 06 02:23:07:1470424987.936813:4:info] Test result of scan start URL fetch: array ( 'headers' => array ( 'date' => 'Fri, 05 Aug 2016 19:23:07 GMT', 'server' => 'Apache', 'x-powered-by' => 'PHP/5.4.45', 'x-robots-tag' => 'noindex', 'x-content-type-options' => 'nosniff', 'expires' => 'Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT', 'cache-control' => 'no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0', 'pragma' => 'no-cache', 'x-frame-options' => 'SAMEORIGIN', 'set-cookie' => array ( 0 => 'PHPSESSID=3b3ce43ba7fe689221ab5135ab6bd457; path=/', 1 => 'wfvt_1441998825=57a4e79bc792a; expires=Fri, 05-Aug-2016 19:53:07 GMT; path=/; httponly', ), 'connection' => 'close', 'content-type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', ), 'body' => 'WFSCANTESTOK', 'response' => array ( 'code' => 200, 'message' => 'OK', ), 'cookies' => array ( 0 => WP_Http_Cookie::__set_state(array( 'name' => 'PHPSESSID', 'value' => '3b3ce43ba7fe689221ab5135ab6bd457', 'expir
    [Aug 06 02:23:07:1470424987.023717:4:info] getMaxExecutionTime() returning half ini value: 15
    [Aug 06 02:23:07:1470424987.023521:4:info] Got max_execution_time value from ini: 30
    [Aug 06 02:23:07:1470424987.023300:4:info] Got value from wf config maxExecutionTime:
    [Aug 06 02:23:07:1470424987.021920:4:info] Entering start scan routine
    [Aug 06 02:23:06:1470424986.978957:4:info] Ajax request received to start scan.
    [Aug 06 01:58:14:1470423494.275681:2:error] Call to Wordfence API to resolve IPs failed: We received an empty data response from the Wordfence scanning servers when calling the 'resolve_ips' function.
    [Aug 05 13:07:58:1470377278.205760:10:info] SUM_KILLED:Previous scan terminated with an error. See below.
    [Aug 05 13:07:58:1470377278.205420:2:error] Scan terminated with error: Invalid response from Wordfence servers.

    Thank you wfalla!

    Actually, once possible reason for this issue is that your server can’t connect to Wordfence servers, which doesn’t seem to be the case, so please go to (Wordfence > Diagnostics) and scroll down the page then click on “Send Report by Email”, you can send the email to “alaa [at] wordfence [dot] com”, don’t forget to include the forum username.

    Maybe there is something unusual in this report that is causing this issue.


    Thread Starter Japracool


    Sent. Thank you for your help Alaa! Appreciate it.

    Will be looking forward to your findings.

    Actually, after checking your diagnostics report it doesn’t seem to reveal the reason for this issue, but I came up with two suggestions:
    – You could ask your web host to update cURL to the latest version, your server has an old version 7.38.0 -it’s not likely to have connectivity issues with this version though- but it’s worth a try.

    – Disable all your other plugins and run another scan with “Enable debugging mode” turned on.


    Thread Starter Japracool


    I’ve sent you another report with all plugins disabled and I’ve asked my web host to update cURL (in progress).

    Thanks, I got it and will be waiting for another scan trial with the new cURL version.

    P.S. I noticed WP_MEMORY_LIMIT is set to 40, please try allocating -for example- 128MB using this method, because 40MB isn’t really enough for modern websites with many plugins.


    Thread Starter Japracool


    I noticed this thing too. I’ve set in japracool.com:


    By editing php.ini and wp-config.php, but still got an error message:

    [Aug 20 12:52:22] Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 729172 bytes) in /home/k6595086/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wfConfig.php on line 381

    What happened?

    Please go to (Wordfence > Options) then scroll down the page and make sure “How much memory should Wordfence request when scanning” has 256 Megabytes.

    Other than that, I think your web host might be limiting the memory resources by somehow, you could contact them regarding this issue.


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