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  • Plugin Author Ahmed Kaludi


    It might occur due to the implied layout ‘CONTAINER’ is not supported by the tag ‘amp-web-push’ ( and when we removed that amp-web-push tag at the end, the validation has become pass.


    Thread Starter manofmany


    Hi Ahmed,

    So how do we go about fixing this?

    I believe this <amp-web-push> tag is is inserted by the AMPforWP plugin under Settings > Push Notifications > Push Notificaton Support?

    Thanks for your help!

    Plugin Author Ahmed Kaludi


    We inspected your site in AMP validator and there are some errors due to that the validation becomes fail. Because Every AMP HTML documents must contain the following boilerplate in its head tag and it seems like it’s missing, please add the below code in the head section. and the AMP format does not allow custom JavaScript to be added to pages via the <script> element, so Remove the javascript tags or use amp-script.

    <style amp-boilerplate>body{-webkit-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-moz-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-ms-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both}@-webkit-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-moz-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-ms-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-o-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}</style><noscript><style amp-boilerplate>body{-webkit-animation:none;-moz-animation:none;-ms-animation:none;animation:none}</style></noscript>

    and also add <script async src=""></script> — in the head section to below the boilerlate.

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