@lifesatomato Thanks for the update! You’re accessing the site in the WordPress.com mobile app through your site’s xmlrpc.php file, rather than the Jetpack connection. That’s why it works in the app but not on your computer.
I’m seeing a different error in the connection now. It seems like there is a misbehaving bit of code somewhere in your site.
If you go to here:
… you’ll see a message saying “XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.” That’s the correct message.
However, the problem is that there’s also whitespace on that page, which suggests that some plugin, theme, or your wp-config.php file has extra whitespace before the first “<?php” in the file.
This problem is another symptom of a more common problem: the “Headers already sent” problem. More information on that is here:
Can you check your wp-config.php file, theme files, and plugins for that whitespace?
Once you’ve fixed the whitespace issue, your XML-RPC should look exactly like this:
Let me know how that goes and if you need any further help.