• Resolved Prowello



    I am currentle trying to add a Woocommerce shop to my website. I also installed this plugin and everything works fine, except generating the invoice and order date.

    I checked the box “show invoice date” in the settings of the plugin, but after generating a PDF invoice the invoice date is not showing, neither is the order date.

    Anybody an idea how to fix this? I’m using the last available version of the plugin.


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  • Plugin Contributor Ewout


    Hello Prowello,
    Did you configure the date format in WordPress?
    Go to Settings > General and select any of the default options. If you have selected ‘custom’, make sure that you have entered the format there! (something like “Y/m/d”).

    Let me know if that fixes it for you!


    Thread Starter Prowello


    Yes, that worked! How did i forgot to check such a basic setting.. Thanks anyway!

    Plugin Contributor Ewout


    No problem, I have had someone encounter this problem before. Usually this setting is configured automatically, but it appears that in some cases it doesn’t do that.

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