Hi @basvweb,
Sure! This is possible by adding this code snippet to your site:
* Add the {invoice_number} placeholder to the WC email notifications
add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_format_string' , 'wpo_wcpdf_email_placeholders', 20, 2 );
function wpo_wcpdf_email_placeholders( $string, $email ) {
if ( strpos( $string, '{invoice_number}' ) !== false && !empty($email->object) && $invoice = wcpdf_get_invoice( $email->object, true ) ) {
return str_replace( '{invoice_number}', $invoice->get_number()->get_formatted(), $string );
return $string;
After that, you can use the {invoice_number}
placeholder to display the invoice number as the subject of your WooCommerce notifications.
Let me know if it worked ??