• Jack


    I get a IO Error message when I try to upload pics of bulletins. I have been doing this since March and have never had any problems. I tried to upload from two different programs but no success.

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  • What file format are they? Is that what you mean by “two different programs”? How are you uploading them?

    That info would help immensely.

    P.S. I changed your member name from your email address to “Jack” as it’s not permitted to use your email as your name. You can change it to whatever you like, however, as long as it’s not an email address.


    We have the same problem on a Windows XP desktop. Here are some “clues” we gathered but we still have this error and no solution :

    – The IO error happens only on some Win XP installations (worked on a Windows XP 2002 SP3 but not on the customer desktop, unknown XP version at the moment of writing this post)
    – Using IE or Firefox doesn’t change anything
    – Disabling Windows firewall or antivirus doesn’t change anything
    – Using browser or flash method doesn’t change a lot : browser method returns a 205 Reset Content error, flash method returns an I/O Error (likely to be the same…)
    – Error happens only on files larger/around 3 MB (pdf/images/anything)
    – Uploading using any method works great using Ubuntu
    – There is no log of this error in access_log nor in error_log

    The problem is this error happens on one of our customers’ desktop so he can’t use WordPress…

    Does anyone have a hint to solve that please ?

    More information about this bug :
    – The problem seems to occur on the whole customer’s network (tests done on many machine Linux/Win with the same error).
    – The problem doesn’t seem occur on our or other network (as far as we can see…)

    Ofc, our customer uses a network firewall, but they never had this problem, for example when they use sendit or other file transfert web services…

    Also added some .htaccess magic just in case, but I don’t think this will solve anything as our server don’t use the mod_security (not in mods-enabled dir), besides I don’t think this might be a server-side problem :

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    I am gonna try simple HTML form file tests and see what happens…



    maybe some changes on your php.ini file can solve this. look at:


    or maybe adding this to your .htaccess file:

    #Change upload limits
        php_value memory_limit 34M
        php_value post_max_size 33M
        php_value upload_max_filesize 32M
        php_value max_execution_time 600
        #Change upload limits end

    hope it helps.





    Thank you Tanira,

    In our case, it ended that our customer had installed a proxy that limited upload to 2MB, but your solution is indeed a good fix in any other case ??

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