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  • Thread Starter charlievie



    I checked on the directory permissions and they are OK. I tried to see if I can access the DB by changing a page/post and that worked. So the access to the DB is OK, for some reason your plugin doesn’t write into the table anymore. I also tried to logon to the DB with the user that is configured in the wp-config.php and that works, too. I even added an IP address with phpMyAdmin without a problem.

    So I don’t know exactly in what file you are writing into the DB, but maybe you can take a look at that part.

    All other plugins can access the DB without any problems. Anything I can check on my server that might help you?

    -= Charlie =-

    Plugin Author Adiie9



    Thanks for providing more information. Really appreciated ??
    As you mentioned earlier that 1.4 was working fine, can you please download it from here and then upload the contents directly via FTP to the plugin directory? But please make sure you delete all files of v1.6. Do not override just upload files separately and then check the plugin if it is working on not.

    Thank you so much for everything. ??


    Thread Starter charlievie



    I finally had a few moments to go back to v1.4.

    I did as you requested and removed the files from the folder, then copied the files from v1.4 into the plugin folder and tested it and it still doesn’t work.

    I think our best shot would be if you would implement a debug option that can be turned on by the user and that writes out a logfile which then can be analyzed. You should focus on the DB access functions and check their return value and log those in that file. I think that’s the only way to find the problem. I have not updated any other plugin that day, only yours, so I am not sure what could have caused the problem, but I will try to help you as much as I can.

    God Bless

    -= Charlie =-

    Plugin Author Adiie9


    Hello Charlie,

    I asked you about v1.4 is because I need to know if the problem is with plugin or DB and it clearly shows that your WordPress is not allowing this plugin to edit DB

    About debug option, I will surely add this in upcoming version, thank you for the idea ??

    Here is v1.6 but I have added wpdb print_report in two files.
    Upload these files and try to block ip or username from the option page not from comments page.
    i.e. IP Blacklist->Add IP to Blacklist

    If it shows any error, please let me know.

    Thanks alot.


    Thread Starter charlievie



    I apologize for the delay. Got really busy here in the office. I will download v1.6 right now and see if that works. I let you know about the result.


    -= Charlie =-

    Thread Starter charlievie


    OK Adeel,

    I did as you asked. I installed v1.6 by removing all the files from the IP-Blacklist-Cloude directory and then I copied the v1.6 files into that directory.
    I added an IP address from the option page and I did not get any error messages. Here is what the result page gave me:

    Add IP to Blacklist

    NOTE: After adding any IP to blacklist, please submit comment on IP-FINDER.ME to help others regarding the issue related to that specific IP. added to blacklist successfully!

    Let me know if you need anything else. I’d really love to get this working again.


    -= Charlie =-

    Plugin Author Adiie9



    I don’t know why it is not adding to your database and also not showing any error of wpdb query…

    I have to look into this in more detail.

    Thanks for the details.


    Plugin Author Adiie9


    Hi Charlie,

    Sorry for the late reply. I was working on other project and also tried to figure out problem.

    I just came to know “Storage Engine” can create a problem in MySQL.

    In phpmyadmin, please check “wp_IPBLC_blacklist” engine type by selecting “Operations” tab? If it is not MyISAM, please change it to that and let me know if problem is still there.

    I will start working on version 1.7 very soon with new functions.


    Thread Starter charlievie


    Hi Adeel,

    I changed the engine, but same result. I actually added an IP manually with phpmyadmin to see if it would show as blocked in the comments, and that worked. So you can obviously read from the DB, but for some reason can’t write.

    Maybe that helps.

    Let me know when you have something else to try. I would really to get this plugin working again.

    Thanks and Blessings.
    -= Charlie =-

    Thread Starter charlievie


    … oh one more thing … I realized that you wrote the name of the table like this “wp_IPBLC_blacklist”, but in the DB the name is like this “wp_ipblc_blacklist”. I know PHP is normally case sensitive, but I’m not sure if that also goes for SQL functions. Might want to check that out.

    -= Charlie =-

    Plugin Author Adiie9


    Oh.. that lower case stuff is because of MySQL settings and I dont know how to handle that because it is related to my.ini which is MySQL settings.

    I am sorry but I think I did reply to your message but I didnt :/

    Can you please wait for V1.7? Because the only alternative left is to delete DB tables but before that, you must create a backup and for that I have “Premium Cloud Account” option which I turned off for registration because some people you applied for trial version are facing problems with plugin so I am fixing all the stuff in one go for V1.7.

    Sir, so sorry for inconvenience but I really appreciate about your feedback ??
    Thank you sooo much for your support Mr. Charlie ??


    Plugin Author Adiie9



    Version 1.7 has been released please update and check if you are still facing same problem.

    Please update me ??


    Thread Starter charlievie



    I am sorry that I have to tell you that the problem is still persisting. I install 1.7, but nothing changed. Not sure what to do from here on.

    -= Charlie =-

    Plugin Author Adiie9


    Hi Charlie,

    Oh thats bad! Can you do one last thing? Export file from settings (CSV) and make sure data is in file.
    Disable and detele plugin.
    Delete plugin Database (IP and username)
    download and re-install plugin and activate
    Import that file.

    Let me know after doing this plugin is working or not.


    Thread Starter charlievie


    I am sorry it took me so long this time.

    I followed your request to deactivate/delete the plugin and remove the tables from the database. After that I re-installed the plugin and tried it again and it didn’t work again.

    You really should think about implementing a debugging mechanism. I hope you will be able to figure out what is wrong.

    Thanks and Blessings.
    -= Charlie =-

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