• I downloaded the iPhone app. Tried to run it but had to upgrade blog.

    Did so, and blog is running fine, but when i add the blog then hit save i get the spinning dial thing, then goes back to main screen and crashes.

    Then when i open the app, it stays on the spinning dial and nothing happens. No error messages.

    I tried with wrong passwords and urls and it notifies me those are not correct.

    Any ideas?

    Next step would be to install a new wordpress on my server, and then import the old database and related files manually.


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  • wordpress 2.6.3 here.
    WP for iPhone 1.1.
    TriRunWith.US – self hosted blog at 1and1.com

    same error as everyone else. too lazy to try anything but editing the XMLRPC file – did not make any change for me.

    if i type in website domain WITHOUT “https://” in the “Blog URL” field, when i hit save, it dumps me directly back to home screen.

    if i type in “https://MYDOMAIN.COM” (adding the ‘https://’) i get the error message.

    seems sort of weird that if you go from a working client to a broken one, that the fix should be pretty easy to find? i guess not.

    will check back in a month or so, or when 1.2 comes out, which ever comes first.

    if yall could get that fixed and the wonky flash image uploader fixed i will be a happy blogger.

    whats weird is that with other apps such as blogwriter it DOES work

    any update? i’m really wanting full support from wordpress without having ot pay for some 3rd party app. ..any help?


    One thing I noticed on your blog is that the RSD link is only listing the path portion of the URL (/xmlrpc.php?rsd instead of example.com/xmlrpc.php?rsd). I suspect this is the reason why the iphone app can’t find your XML-RPC end point correctly.

    Hello all,

    I have been following this thread with some interest. I have 2 self-hosted WP blogs, one in 2.5.1 and one in 2.6.2, and WP for iPhone w/v. 2.2 of iPhone. Could access the 2.5.1 blog using WP for iPhone but not the later one. Tried a bunch of the suggestions made here and none worked. I thought my problem might be that the inaccessible blog resides in a subdomain, and I decided to wait for the update josephscott mentioned.

    Then I realized the inaccessible blog uses the Members Only plugin, which has its own XML-RPC control (I discovered this by accident). I disabled Members Only, tried connecting on the iPhone, and that worked. Then I went back and reactivated Members Only, and tried to connect again from the iPhone, and that worked, too. Obviously if anyone out there has disabled all plugins and achieved access that does the same thing.

    — Joel

    The guys over at Dreamhost actually loaded my blog onto their iPhone. They sent me a picture of my working blog. Their iPhone specs are:

    firmware 2.1 on an iPhone 2G

    I have a 3G. Firmware 2.28 (is the modem firmware) and 2.2 (5G77) is the Version. I’m not sure which is applicable.

    Since it worked with their phones (2 guys did it on separate iPhones), it must be the phone.

    Any suggestions?

    What irks me is that I’ve had this problem for months now. My blog worked great with my iPhone….

    JTKay wrote:

    The guys over at Dreamhost actually loaded my blog onto their iPhone. They sent me a picture of my working blog. Their iPhone specs are:

    firmware 2.1 on an iPhone 2G

    I have a 3G. Firmware 2.28 (is the modem firmware) and 2.2 (5G77) is the Version. I’m not sure which is applicable.

    Since it worked with their phones (2 guys did it on separate iPhones), it must be the phone.

    This makes perfect sense…. Now how do we get someone to notice this and see if they can’t work it out so that the app will work again on our 3G phones with the latest firmware?

    Ok, GOT IT!!!!

    1. Make sure you have

    header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

    right under <?php in your xmlrpc.php file ( https://victr.ca/tech/apple/fixing-the-wordpress-for-iphone-xmlrpc-error.php )

    2. Make sure you have

    <link rel="pingback" href="https://example.com/v3b/xmlrpc.php" />
    <link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" title="RSD" href="https://example.com/v3b/xmlrpc.php?rsd" />
    <link rel="wlwmanifest" type="application/wlwmanifest+xml" href="https://example.com/v3b/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml" />

    in your header. ( https://iphone.www.ads-software.com/faq/ )

    3. It should work!

    If you are using WP 2.7, after entering <link rel=”EditURI” type=”application/rsd+xml” title=”RSD” href=” https://example.com/xmlrpc.php?rsd&#8221; /> make sure to enable the option in your wp-admin, under “Options”, in the “Writing” section you will see the option for “XML-RPC”. Make sure you check the box next to it that says “Enable the WordPress, Movable Type, MetaWeblog and Blogger XML-RPC publishing protocols.” After that it should be up and running. Good luck!



    similar to people above, this is the only way I could fix it:

    I’ve tried all of the edits and fixes mentioned here and still getting no luck. Anyone else here still having trouble? My blog in question is https://www.driftingson.com.


    Your blog (https://www.driftingson.com/) lists 2 RSD URLs:




    For starters, there should only be one, with the second likely being the correct one. When trying to view those URLs the first one returns a 404 error and the second one returns a 500 error. This isn’t a problem with the iPhone app, it’s a problem with your WordPress setup.

    josephscott- thanks for clarifying where to turn next. I tried so many hacks that I’m not surprised I’ve ended up with too much information in there. I’ll try to get that second rsd to resolve correctly- however one does that (!). I’m assuming starting with the W3C validation site is a good move…. Aloha — Shawn

    My blog is hosted on wordpress.com yet my Iphone App denies my access completely and gives out this error message ( Operation could not be completed ( NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 9. ))

    Any ideas

    What’s the URL of your WordPress.com blog? I can check to see if there’s anything obvious that is wrong.

    If I were to take a guess though I’d suspect that it’s related to this:

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