• I have used the plugin in test mode for some time and everything works fine. A few days ago I went live. Strange thing: for some payments I receive faulty IPNs.I put some traces in the plugin and found that the headers received from PayPlug are different.

    In one case, which worked, I got these headers:

    [30-Aug-2017 15:56:13 UTC] Headers from getallheaders =Array
        [User-Agent] => PayPlug-IPN
        [Content-Type] => application/json
        [Payplug-Signature] => AFJfinoGc2+fsJwsJB9ds/jqv2IANCY6U8o4Pf1NRg7kxWsAVKKw6x4Ex4zdHI4wfWYNvWQ1N4lrEhLPuxAe1RUcwuOcKfIXDqS8m5QHHaQW2s1nJWS9kgmGX2E+pLezYAEXFevBAfbgVMu6Ox+dXo0nXlL4ERzo4L5u47fmS++IqvzMgLcOx8Mq+RyLN/yMyqsbtVWI4uE4r1bdfPCyxP7qQ/iBC1vrOcpLudJSLk+foem1Q6DdKnrYsSkY5j8AY//75/uo0f3X9qk8FR1u+bOdJjGfH6LeeCl0WdyqAAGhsQSAIsEmTKWPKIlx90tWx46QN5A==
        [Content-Length] => 313
        [Connection] => close
        [X-Predictor] => 1
        [Host] => www.mysite.fr
        [Remote-Ip] =>

    For a different transaction a little later I got these headers:

    [30-Aug-2017 17:27:57 UTC] Headers from getallheaders =Array
        [User-Agent] => PayPlug-IPN
        [Content-Length] => 307
        [Connection] => close
        [X-Predictor] => 1
        [Cookie] => SSESS4f4abc2eb68a7538da61849b0a1d11fd=51907219eaf403ca2b833b6da7764728
        [Host] => www.mysite.fr
        [Remote-Ip] =>

    As can be seen, there is no header ‘Payplug-Signature’, no ‘Content-Type’ but a ‘Cookie’, which means that the Plugin does not validate the IPN.

    The call to PayPlug comes from a button generated with a call to the Plugin like this :

                    $price, // price
                    'Continuer vers le paiement', // Button text
                    'btn btn-large btn-success cyber-payplug-button' , // CSS class
                    '', // icon
                     $request_id, // order id
                    'Forfait '.$engines_num.' moteurs : '.$request_id, // Custom data
                    $email, // customer email
                    $first_name, // Customer first name
                    $last_name ); // Customer last name

    Any idea of what goes on?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by christer_f.
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