Thanks for starting a new topic for your IPTC/EXIF Mapping questions and issues. I want to make sure I understand what’s going on in your application.
You wrote “I used the wordpress file uploader“. There are several places in WordPress that support uploading. Do you mean you are using the Media/Add New (Upload New Media) screen, with the “Open Bulk Edit Area” button that MLA adds to that screen? If not, what steps do you follow to upload new media items?
You wrote “the mapping won’t auto execute“. Does you mapping rule work if you initiate mapping manually? You can apply it to a single item, multiple items or all items:
- To map a single item, go to the Media/Assistant submenu and click the thumbnail of the item you want (or click the “Edit” rollover action) to get the Media/Edit Media screen. You can click the “Map IPTC/EXIF metadata” link to run your rules on this item, then look at the taxonomy meta box to inspect the results.
- To map two or more items, go to the Media/Assistant submenu and click the checkbox next to the items you want. Then, select “Edit” from the “Bulk Actions” dropdown above the checkboxes and click “Apply” to open the Bulk Edit area. Click the “Map IPTC/EXIF metadata” button to run your rule on the selected items.
- To map all of your items, stay on the Settings/Media Library Assistant IPTC/EXIF tab and click the “Execute” rollover action for your rule. This may take a while.
The first two methods will apply all active IPTC/EXIF rules to the selected item(s). This won’t be a problem if you have only the one rule.
You should also make sure your rule is “Active”. Navigate to the Settings/Media Library Assistant IPTC/EXIF tab, change the “Any Status” dropdown control to “Active” and click “Filter”. Does you rule appear in the Active list?
I will leave this topic unresolved and hope to hear back from you soon. If you are still having problems, any additional details such as the settings for your rule will be very helpful. Thanks for your understanding.