• Hey,

    I was a happy user of #wordpress on IRC. I did stay on-topic, I stayed civil and positive, I kept the channel family-friendly, I did no advertising, job seeking or job advertising, I always used pastebin, I was clear and concise and only used English, I did not bring bots into the channel.

    But what did I?

    I did use the !seen function – 14 times over a periode of more then 1 month – I did use it to see if my co-plugin developer have been online and there for returned from his holiday.

    I do respect the decision but I wonder why you dont have freedom to use the function the IRC offers when they have a intention…

    Control is a power you should use with respect…

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  • Thank you for still keeping me banned..

    Its a very friendly thing to do when Im a plugin writer and need to talk with my team members…

    Damn I love you!!


    What’s your IRC nick?

    The only time I recall this is where someone was joining the channel, using the !seen command, then leaving immediately. That’s more bot abuse than actual use of the channel.

    But I’ll mention this thread to the chanops anyhow.

    Thanks for taking this serious!!

    I did try to msg you over IRC….

    my nick is my nick here as well – but I wont paste my ip here…

    You should be unbanned now. For future referece, it’s probably simplest to /msg one of the chanops rather than post here.. Not everyone reads the boards.

    Also, if you need to contact someone on IRC, /msg memoserv help rather than using the doc-bot.

    My response will be short, due to the fact that this is not the appropriate place for the discussion and because the decision has been made.

    Your use of the IRC channel, is largely limited to joining, using the seen functionality of the bot and then parting. The bot and channel are not to be used in this manner. As such, since this is largely an issue with your abuse of the way you wish to use the bot, you have been explicitly denied access to using the functionalities of the bot.

    Your ban has been lifted, but the decision to deny you access to the bot will not be changed.

    Also please understand that the channel guidelines are just that, guidelines, not rules or laws. The guidelines are meant to stand as a default list of items that assist users in acting appropriately in the channel and not as a way to describe all things that channel operators will act upon. The way that the channel is managed as well as how individual incidents are treated are done so at the discretion of the channel OP in the manner that the OP believes to be best for the channel as a whole. The OPs of the channel reserve the right to interpret the guidelines as best suits the channel at any given time and can use, omit or add items as required without providing documentation as to those items.

    Attempting to keep an accurate list of rules that users should abide and that OPs should follow is not feasible nor practical for such an environment, and as such, the way the channel is operated will not change.

    Observe the spirit of the guidelines
    Please observe the spirit of the guidelines. While these guidelines attempt to provide a clear guide for the successful and pleasurable use of the channel, they are an outline only. Please don’t use any of the ideas listed here to obfuscate or obstruct the intent or to harass other users. The channel is dependent on your willingness for it to succeed. Please avoid the practice of testing every boundary, every guideline, every word to see where you might get away with something. Please do not loudly protest the policies of WordPress and the actions of its staff team in a way that invites drama and negativity and disrupts the regular flow of information in the channel. If you want to talk policy, do it via email.

    Respect decisions
    Respect decisions. Channel ops work hard to be fair and balanced, but may not always resolve issues exactly the way you would. We are always willing to talk with you about any issues you have, but we ask that if you disagree with our actions, to please bring your criticism to us in query. This helps keep the channel on-topic and calm.

    Well, When I try to use #wordpress I get something like:

    [09:51] <frold> Can anyone see why this line return: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION, expecting ‘)’ in /home/frold/liljefred.dk/wp-content/plugins/runners-log/runnerslog_gchart.php on line 334 https://pastebin.com/V0PMar2s
    [09:51] -doc-bot- You have been denied access to this bot by the administrator
    [09:51] -doc-bot- You have been denied access to this bot by the administrator
    [09:51] -doc-bot- You have been denied access to this bot by the administrator
    [09:51] -doc-bot- You have been denied access to this bot by the administrator
    [09:51] -doc-bot- You have been denied access to this bot by the administrator
    [09:52] == unicum [rb618qdbrj@unaffiliated/unicum] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
    [09:52] <frold> Can I post?
    [09:52] -doc-bot- You have been denied access to this bot by the administrator
    [09:52] -doc-bot- You have been denied access to this bot by the administrator
    [09:52] -doc-bot- You have been denied access to this bot by the administrator
    [09:52] -doc-bot- You have been denied access to this bot by the administrator
    [09:52] -doc-bot- You have been denied access to this bot by the administrator

    This has been fixed now. I’m going to close off this thread as this forum is not really the right place to be holding discussions around the IRC channels. If you have IRC issues please discuss them directly with the chanops (or via memoserv to people on the access list) or if they are not communicating then respect the decision(s) made and try again later.


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