• Resolved denisew


    Just added the plugin and can’t figure out how to do the one thing I really need in order to organize the existing 1500 images I have. I want to be able to bulk tag and categorize. Even that is going to take some time, but if I have to do it pic by pic I’ll go crazy. Can this be done? How?
    For the future I have to figure out how to make use of Flickr tags, but that’s another project. One thing at a time.
    Thanks for your help.


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  • Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for adding the plugin to your site and for this question. Organizing 1500 of anything is a chore, but I can give you some tips that will help. You can use the Bulk Actions/Edit feature to assign taxonomy terms to several images at one time.

    First, make sure the taxonomies you want to use are registered for attachments and added to the Bulk Edit area:

    1. From the Dashboard, open the Settings/Media Library Assistant (MLA) screen; the General tab will be displayed.
    2. Scroll down to the Taxonomy Support section. You will see at least four taxonomies in the list (and any additional taxonomies that have been registered on your site.) The Categories and Tags taxonomies are built in to WordPress and used for posts and pages. The Att. Categories and Att. Tags taxonomies are provided by MLA for your convenience. Use Categories and Tags if you want the same terms for attachments, posts and pages. Use the Att. taxonomies is you want to classify attachments with their own distinct terms.
    3. Check the Support and Inline Edit boxes for the taxonomies you want to use for your images. The Inline Edit box will add the taxonomy to the Quick Edit and Bulk Edit areas.
    4. Select the List Filter radio button for the taxonomy you want to use in the Filter dropdown on the Media/Assistant screen.
    5. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click Save Changes

    Now you’re ready to assign tags and categories:

    1. Open the Media/Assistant screen.
    2. Pull down the Screen Options (in the upper-right corner of the screen) and select the columns you want to display. You’ll want to make sure the taxonomies you’re using to classify attachments are checked so you can see the results of your work immediately.
    3. Adjust the Entries per page setting in the lower-left corner of the Screen Options area. You might want to see 25, 50 or more attachments per page so you can edit a lot of images at once. Click Apply to save the new setting.
    4. Click the checkbox (left-most column) for all the images you want in a specific category or tag.
    5. Pull down the Bulk Actions list and select Edit. Click Apply; the bulk edit area will open up below the column headings.
    6. Review the list of images in the left-hand column; these will be the updated images.
    7. Add the category and tag values you want in the center and right columns.
    8. Make sure the Add radio button is selected under the taxonomies you’re using, then click Update in the lower-right corner of the area.

    That’s it – you should see the new assignments in the Media/Assistant screen. You can repeat the process until all 1500 images are organized as you want.

    You can follow the same steps to remove a single term from many attachments or to completely replace the terms for many attachments (be careful with this option). Just pick the radio button next to the type of change you want to make.

    You can use the dropdown list in the Filter area above the column headings to see which images have not been assigned. Pull down the list and pick the second entry, “No … “, to filter the table and show those images with no value for the taxonomy. You can also click on any value in the category/tag column to get a display filtered by the value you click on.

    I hope that gets you started. Let me know if you have any problems or further questions. Thanks again for using the plugin!

    Hi David,

    Thank you for clearing up this answer for me as well. I now know I have done everything correct when setting up my WordPress site to use Media Library Assistant, but it is still not working 100% correctly.

    If I perform the above actions you just listed to be able to allow for the custom taxonomies to appear in the media library backend for sorting and such, it does not work.

    If I enable Taxonomy Support in General Settings, for both Categories and Tags, they do indeed display under “Screen Options” under my Media Library backend.

    However, there are two problems I am having still:

    1. Att. Tags, and Att. Categories will not show up under Screen Options just like the default categories and tags do.
    2. There are no options for Bulk Tagging or assigning of Bulk Categories in the Media Library backend yet like your above post described there should be.

    I am running a clean install of WordPress 3.5.1
    And Media Library Assistant 1.30 at the time of this post.

    If you have any idea what could be causing this problem any thoughts would be great!

    I would also be willing to setup a publicly accessible installation with this problem to demonstrate it to you if you would like to look closer.


    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thank you for researching your issue and trying all the steps I suggested above. I am sorry you’re still having trouble with taxonomy support.

    I can’t think of any reason the “Att.” taxonomies wouldn’t work, unless you are also running the Role Scoper plugin. I could ask you many speculative questions and suggest experiments, but I’m happy to do the investigation if you can give me access to a site that has the problem. . If that works for you, send me login credentials; go to the “Contact Us” page at our web site:

    Fair Trade Judaica/Contact Us

    Let me know what you’d like to do. Thanks again for your interest and for bringing this issue to my attention.


    I want organize pictutes in different category. When I upload (Mediamanager) with multiple file upload I want that all this pictures come to a spezific category.

    Example: I make a category “ships” and want load up 10 pictures of ships at once which shall all come to this category “ships”. So I dont must them all categorized single. How can I do this?

    Plugin Author David Lingren



    At this time there is no way to automatically add categories to files as they are uploaded. The easiest solution I can offer is to use the Bulk Edit action in Media Library Assistant.

    1. Go to the Settings/Media Library Assistant screen, General tab, and scroll down to “Media/Assistant Table Defaults”. Change the Order By value to “Date” and the Order to “Descending”. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click “Save Changes”.
    2. Upload the files you want to assign a category to, e.g., the ten ships pictures.
    3. Open the Media/Assistant screen. You should see the ten files you just uploaded at the top of the list. Click the checkbox next to each file you want to assign the category to.
    4. Pull down the “Bulk Actions” list in the upper-left corner of the screen, select “Edit” and click “Apply”. The bulk edit area will open up showing the Categories list in the center column.
    5. Check the box next to the category you want to add. When you are done selecting categories, click “Update” in the lower-right corner of the bulk edit area.

    You can repeat this process for each batch of pictures and, of course, use the bulk edit area on any pictures you already have in your Media Library. If you have any problems with this process or any more questions, let me know. Thank you for your interest in the plugin.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Lord Devi,

    I don’t know if you are still having trouble with the Att. Tags and Att. Category taxonomies, but in re-reading your post I had a new thought.

    The standard WordPress Media/Library screen supports the built-in Categories and Tags taxonomies, but does not support custom taxonomies. It also has no bulk edit or quick edit capability.

    The Media/Assistant screen has all of these features. When you say “Media Library backend”, are you referring to the Media/Library screen or the Media/Assistant screen?

    If there’s a problem with the Media/Assistant screen, I am happy to help. Let me know if there’s something I can do.

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