• Resolved dleigh



    I have two questions:

    On our site we’re using the Constant Contact integration with MailOptin. With some regularity we’ll get an error notification email with the subject:

    Warning! "Elementor Form" Optin Campaign Is Not Working

    In the body of the email we’ll see:

    The optin campaign "Elementor Form" is failing to convert leads due to the following error "0: Signed API request has returned an error. HTTP error 400. Raw Provider API response: [{"error_key":"contacts.api.validation.error","error_message":"Email address is invalid"}].".

    If, in fact, the email address really is “invalid” for whatever reason, or if there is another validation error, I’d say that the Optin Campaign is working great, in that it’s not letting spam or erroneous info into our Constant Contact email database. I this case I’m just fine with how this is functioning. Is there a way (a plugin hook or a parameter, etc.) whereby we can interrogate the “Raw Provider API response” and, depending on the error message, change the subject of the email to better reflect the reality of the situation (or perhaps put that message in the subject)? As it is now, the error notification email makes one think that this is broken and needs intervention, when, in fact, it does not.

    The 2nd question has to do with receiving this message for an email address that appears to actually be valid. I just did a spot-check on a Gmail address that was submitted via our Newsletter signup form and it got this Email address is invalid message, but all the checks I’ve done on the email address (including trying to do a Google account recovery) seem to suggest that it’s a deliverable, existing Gmail account. Do you know what/who/how this verification process comes to the conclusion that the email address is, in fact invalid?

    By the way this is not the “Legacy” Constant Contact integration.

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  • Plugin Support Ibrahim Nasir


    Hello @dleigh ????,

    I hope you are doing great today.

    The error message as you have noticed is from Constant Contact and is typically caused by their compliance system detecting multiple sign ups to several Constant Contact accounts from the email address that caused the error.?

    If email addresses are detected as having signed up to multiple accounts in a short time, it will cause the system to block sign-ups from these addresses. However, if you were testing with these addresses (hence multiple attempts), or if you know the contact that is trying to sign up and that it is a valid address, you should still be able to add them to your contacts manually. You can read more on this here.

    Furthermore, since this is directly from CC, you can contact them here if you need further clarification on the review/verification process.

    Warm Regards,


    Thread Starter dleigh


    Hey, that’s really great info. Thanks for that, it helps.

    So, could you answer the first question as well please?

    Plugin Support Ibrahim Nasir


    The error message is passed as received from Constant Contact. However, in regards to the email subject, I will forward this request to our developers if it’s possible to provide a way to modify it.

    We do have a code snippet you can use to disable the error notification emails but we do not recommend using it.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter dleigh


    Yeah, I would not want to disable them completely, just make sure that there really is an “error” and not spam remediation. If I took that snippet, might I be able to dig deeper into the email text and change the subject of the email based on the content? I’m happy to play with it if your developers are not willing to change it.

    Thread Starter dleigh


    I didn’t find that snippet at: https://github.com/mailoptin/library. Is it elsewhere?

    It looks like I could create a filter for: mo_optin_form_email_error_email_subject in the public static function send_optin_error_email interrogating $error_message and changing the subject to better reflect the actual error message. I don’t think, however, that I have access to $error_message in my filter code. It seems like it should be passed in all the apply_filters calls in that function, because the whole email is about THAT ERROR. Could that be added?

    I found that in: /src/core/src/Connections/AbstractConnect.php

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 4 weeks ago by dleigh.
    Plugin Author Collins Agbonghama


    Lead developer here. We’ve added the $error_message variable to the mo_optin_form_email_error_email_subject filter and it will be available in the next plugin update

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