• Resolved johannes999



    I read in google that fixed pages are not desired for responsive websites.

    1-I want to know why is fixed pages are not desired in reponsive websites.

    I see also some internationally famous sites has not fixed pages ?

    2-what is your advice to me?


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  • Moderator James Huff


    That doesn’t make any sense. Would you please link to what you’re referring to?

    Generally a “fixed page” refers to static content that rarely changes, like an About or Contact page.

    And generally a “responsive website” refers to a site that adapts/changes when viewed on a mobile device.

    If you have static pages that are not adapting to mobile devices, then the problem is your site’s theme, not your site’s content type.

    Thread Starter johannes999


    thanks ,

    this is the site I am working on :https://webdesignleren.com/

    I made the header fixed . I was few days ago was studying elementor and I wanted to made fixed header just as my website and the elementor gave me warning that fixed headers are not preferred for responsive website.

    I wanted to know why it is not preferred?


    Moderator James Huff


    Ah, ok, yes, then that is accurate. ??

    Fixed headers take up a lot of valuable screen space on mobile.

    Here’s a screenshot of your site on a simulated iPhone 12: https://d.pr/i/5VnMni

    While trying to browse/read the site, a good 15% of my screen is occupied by a menu I’ve already read, which means more time scrolling, and that means more people straight-up leaving the site.

    When the responsive site scales down to its mobile version, the header should either not be fixed or it should be presented as a fixed icon that expands/collapses the menu.

    I’m sure Elementor can do that, and I recommend asking about that at https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/elementor/

    Thread Starter johannes999


    thanks ,

    I am bussy at this moment with media queries . my site is not completed yet. I see everything in chrome ,firefox,edge,opera

    I don’t want to be depended by third party . when later I start building websites the customer wil not prefer to be depended by third party.

    I am trying to do everything myself . I have my friend now chatGPT .

    I wil study your advice about fixed header maybe I remove it.

    thanks for your advice

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