• Hello,

    I am having trouble with my blog at easylawofattraction.com.

    A few months ago I started getting lots of comment spam. You can see the content of the spam if you check the blog. Lots of mention of the word “mammaria” and “gold”…

    Now what I also noticed around this time was that I could not log in to alter comments on my site anymore. Whenever I would go to edit-comments.php, it would give me a 404 error, even though the web page is clearly there.

    Also, people are not able to comment on my blog anymore. When they try to the page says: “could not open socket”

    Regarding the comment spam, I got the wordpress plugin that makes the commenter fill out a captcha. So I get no more spam. ?? But the other problems I mentioned above are still there.

    Does anyone know what this is? Is it some kind of virus maybe?

    Any help would be really really appreciated.

    All the Best,

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  • Thread Starter alexbaranosky


    The problems with the 404 pages popping up when I go to edit-comments.php (and a couple other pages) is clearly because of Awardspace.com

    So now the question is:

    What pay server will be a good fit for me?

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    This is off the thread topic but why not? ??

    Hosted service: If you are looking just for hosting just a blog don’t want to customize the theme, add plugins, or run your own advertisements then WordPress.com is the way to go.

    They maintain everything and all you have to do work on the content. For an upgrade fee you can get your DNS name pointing to yourblogname.wordpress.com provided you understand how to point your CNAME to their A record.

    Difficulty rating of 1 or a zero.

    Roll your own server: If you want to host your own and you have Linux/BSD/UNIX experience then you can either roll up your sleeves and rent space in a datacenter ($$$) or get space on a Virtual Private Server (VPS and less $). This is what I do and I use both SliceHost and Tektonic VPS.

    Difficulty rating… if you are savvy and know what you are doing, maintain EVERYTHING then I give this a 5. I like it and maintain my systems myself. It’s part of my therapy ??

    If you don’t have any experience with managing systems and the CLI (The GUI is a fad and will go away real soon now) then the rating shoots up to “e-le-ven”.

    WordPress.com and self-hosted… there are many in between these two options and I’m sure some folks here are using the middle.

    Thread Starter alexbaranosky


    Can’t I just switch to a webhost like this one?:

    $4 a month.

    Then I just export my wordpress database, and then import it once I get switched over????

    I don’t know about the particular hosting service you posted, but yeah, there’s no reason why you can’t just rent server space from a regular hosting company.

    (Personally, I’ve used Hostgator a lot — pretty cheap, and I’ve mostly had good experiences with them. Their customer service has gotten loads better in the last couple of years. But if you search these forums and the net, you’ll find lots of recommendations, as well as services to avoid.)

    Make sure to read the Codex for instructions on transferring your database. Main issue is that the URLs have to be updated — the instructions offer you a way to do this that makes it fairly foolproof.


    anybody researched/solved anything regarding awardspace? i bumpo onto exactly the same issues

    looking forward ??

    it has been 3 months since the last post, but i’m still eager to help.. =)

    awardspace redirects you to an error 404 page when installing or activating a wordpress plugin. here’s the solution to this problem and a brief explanation why you are getting this error.


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