Is it ethical for a company to continue to distribute a product known to harmful
Is it ethical for a company to continue to distribute a product known to harmful to some of its users?
According to the stats currently NGG2 is downloaded over 10,000 times a day. A significant number of these users will suffer in some way. In many cases it will be just the inconvenience of having to do a rollback after wasting some time trying to understand what is going wrong. But, in some cases due to user ignorance the damage will be the complete and total loss of the image database. (Of course this is the user’s fault for being ignorant but you know this is happening.) It may very well be that a majority of your users have a successful upgrade but it is also clear that a very significant number do not. By significant I mean far more than is normal for a usual major upgrade. Since, upgrade in recent times has become an almost painless process most of these innocent users have no idea of the possible damage they may suffer. If you were a user would you not wish that a company did its best to protect you from this kind of damage? Would not such a company once it found that its product was harmful to a significant number of users withdraw that product from distribution?
If you read some of my previous post you will know that I an not your enemy. I actually like and respect the work you have done. I hope that NGG 2 will eventually become a successful product. However, I believe to continue to distribute a product known to harm a significant number of its users is not the right thing to do.
I did a possitive review 3 days ago, telling people not to be so negative about it.
Now, reading the reply of AB, i must say i shall be looking for a new gallery.
I did update to latest version and my entire web site had a problem – wherever I click it opens first page! :S
I thought maybe it’s theme issue, but no – i tested on other themes! Fortunately after downgrading to 1.9.13 everything works again! ??
I how developer will do their best to fix bug and next versions will be much better and stable! ??
Yep – here the same problem:
Also the problem exists in 2.08 and i guess in 2.09: If you reset the nextgen-settings under “OtherOptions” nothing works anymore! Every link goes to homepage…
@ Alex Rabe
First: Thank you and photocrati for the work! I think NGG is a great plugin – I found nothing similar. But…
Well, you fully missunderstand the WordPress plugin directory, people who contribute here are not responsible for anything.
Well, I don’t think so. WordPress is a great product and it’s so popular, because it’s so powerful and very simple to use. A person who is “kind of advanced user” is attracted by these facts when he or she decided to build up an own website. I was attracted by these facts, too, so I changed from my old, very complicated CMS to WordPress. I think, there are many more of my kind. We trust the whole WordPress-Developer-Community that everything what is offered works – and at least doesn’t crash a website. So developers actually have a responsibility, because if people stop trusting the developers, they will avoid WordPress. This would be really sad.
Buy the Pro version, you may get faster support, pay a web developer if it doesn’t work for you and you don’t know where to look.
No, I don’t want to pay anyone for my private site that I don’t run to make money. I run this website, because it is fun and sometimes very useful. I don’t want to spend money for that, except for the webspace.
I know that novice user always expect a hasselfree upgrade without investing time and effort in knowing HTML, PHP and CSS…
Yes. I actually do expect this. I’m no programmer, I don’t know anything about php-coding, just a little bit html and css. I have a full-time job and I’m not interested in learning anything about php at all. That’s a reason why I chose WordPress – it’s not harder to use than MS Office.
I don’t expect any great features in free software, but if the devoloper tells me it works I get very angry when the software crashes my website, my PC or any other device. For example, I don’t expect anyone a free version of photoshop. But when some guys come up and provide “The GIMP” I expect it to work (Gimp works great) and at least not to crash or delete anything on my computer. You can’t expect me to learn C++ or something before I use a freeware – if someone thinks different, he or she shouldn’t provide it.
That’s photocrati’s mistake. They provided a product, NGG 2.0.x, which many many users installed believing it would bring something good, because normally updates are something good, not complicated and you don’t have to care about. Now those many many people are very disappointed – even if not everyone reports the bugs. They lose trust in NGG and feel like beta-testers. In my opinion this process is not very useful for NGG and WP.
Think about it…
Some final words about this… and why I’m getting upset on the initial post :
First, let me apologize if I wrote the last message with a lot of emotion, but I did made a lot of painful experiences with upgrades during a couple of years. I know from the past that it’s extremely hard to get a feeling how many people are affected (100, 1000, 10000 user) ? I never get a real number how much people uses a plugin, and from the statistic you can see how fragmented a plugin distribution could be, due to the fact that many user not updated.
Yes the upgrade to V2.0 went obviously wrong for some/many user, how many can nobody judge. I’m not blind, and I also do not want to misinterpreted the numbers. But please give them time to fix it, I can see they work on this every day. This is a major change, something I fear all the years and the main reason why my development slow down over the past years.
Second, toniclife give exact the reason why I no longer able to support such a project. He give the reason why WordPress is so successful and what is the general exception from the user standpoint. I understand this standpoint and it works for many project, but even not for me.
I hope that the next upgrades went smooth and you trust again this plugin.
Alex I know you are angry but I am also angry. And just as you want people to understand your anger I want you to understand mine.
The critical fact here is how many users are having major problems with 2.0.7. You think it is some/many but I think it is really many/most.
One way to look at this is – there are over 10,000 downloads per day but only a couple of hundred complaints so 98% of the users are happy. But, I think most users happy or unhappy are silent so this ratio is not meaningful.
More meaningful is that 121 out of 136 users report that 2.0.7 is broken. However, since a user is more likely to report something broken this number is negatively skewed so it is hard to estimate the proportion of unhappy users.
The most meaningful statistics is the reviews – 2.0.7 is a major upgrade with many new features if it was successful for most users you should be receiving more positive reviews than negative ones but the reviews are overwhelmingly negative.
Now I will try and explain why this makes me angry. 2.0.7 is causing harm to many/most users – in most cases just wasted time and effort and temporary downtime on websites, in some cases difficulty between a developer and his clients and in some rare cases actual material damage – loss of data. In view of this I really cannot understand why it is necessary to continue to distribute 2.0.7 as the default distribution. The problem reports you are receiving are duplicates of earlier days you are not learning anything new. Of course, we should be patient and wait for Photocrati to fix these problems but I don’t see why this requires the continued distribution of 2.0.7, especially without a warning since it is not the usual expected experience. 2.0.7 should be an optional download with proper caveats. I know the post that you reacted to has strong language in it but I did try in an earlier post to do it in a more gentle way but it was ignored so I decided that I needed to get your attention.
Some other thoughts:
I thought about the problem of estimating the number of users with major problems. The solution I came up with is to look at the daily download count of 1.9.13 on the first complete day after the start of distribution of 2.0.7. This number is probably pretty close to number of users who have downloaded 2.0.7 and then immediately roll-backed. On subsequent days the number will be contaminated with users who have read about problems with 2.0.7 and have opted to manually install 1.9.13. I don’t know how to get this number but if you can it would give the best statistic for this problem.The way I learned 2.0.7 was bad was on an installation with all other plugins deactivated running twentytwelve (actually a child theme of but I have only a trivial functions.php file in it) so essentially a clean installation except the database has data in it and I could not do something as basic as upload a single image. I actually debugged this since I like to debug and found that a required field ‘image_slug’ did not have a value in a SQL INSERT. This makes me surmise that either your in-house testing was insufficient or there is something wrong with your in-house testing protocol. I am a developer and I don’t think this kind of bug should have passed in-house testing. I think Photocrati has a problem with its in-house testing.
In the process of debugging I also read some of the source code – actually spent several hours over two days reading it since I found it interesting. I am totally impressed with the level of expertise and also the care and thought that went into the design of 2.0. The Pope framework confused me at first but later I began to see the beauty of it all. This is really good stuff. But, it really doesn’t matter if you cannot make it work. If I were Photocrati I would admit that 2.0.7 is a failure and work on 2.1 I think this stuff has tremendous potential and hope to see it a big success.
Lastly, I really do understand the life of a developer. I was a developer for many years. Not a PHP developer in the Internet world but a VBA developer in the business world. The environments are a little different but the human dynamics are essentially the same. I know the good feeling you get when you release good software – then you are a hero because you have made life better for so many people. Conversely, I know the bad feeling you get when you release bad software – now you are the devil because you have caused problems for so many people. Of course at work you are so busy trying to fix the problem that you don’t have time to think about it. But, riding the last train home at midnight alone it hits you – you have just let everybody down and in my case since this is the business world I personally knew many of my users. And you want to stop at some bar and get a drink but you can’t because you have to get home, take a shower, sleep for a few hours and then take the 5:00AM train back to the office. I have been there sadly multiple times. As you have said it is impossible to test for everything and if you don’t test everything there is bound to be problems. I really do understand all of this and really do have a lot of sympathy for developers.
Hi all,
I really should have responded in this thread earlier. Jan and Alex, I really appreciate you posting here.
I think Magenta Cuda and others here have a justifiable right to ask some hard questions and even ask whether we should keep pushing forward.
I started writing a long response to this and other similar threads, but it kept getting longer and we thought it needed to be more visible than it would be single thread. So I’ve posted here:
Beyond that, I just want to address a few things specifically:
@magenta Cuda: you’ve been very balanced in your criticism, and I appreciate that. One note – it’s not that easy to “just roll everyone back to 1.9.13” at this point.
@lauritasita: I’m really not sure where the “corporate greed/arrogance” angle comes from. We’re just a small team of 9 WordPress enthusiasts (3 developers). I’m not sure corporate would really apply here.
Apart from that, I just want to emphasize that we care deeply about every user having an issue right now, especially if severe. It doesn’t matter if it’s a big percentage or small percentage, it’s clear there’s a large absolute number of people major problems. Right now, the best thing we can do is just try to track down and fix issues as quickly as possible, and that’s what we’re doing.@reinhardf: “But it is not ok if your entire site therefore no longer works even without any plugin conflicts.” Bingo. You nailed that. Those are the things we just can’t bear to see right now and the ones we’re focused on sorting. I think it’s important to point out that among all the threads here, and also in the voting, there are very different levels of issues. There are severe ones causing site or gallery breakage. Other issues are much smaller, like the one referenced above about needing to add singlepics via the WP media button vs NG button. Those issues are also behind the high broken votes.
@toniclife: I really agree you have a right to expect at least reasonably smooth updates. This wasn’t. I’ve assessed why in my letter above, but for now, the more important issue for us is just solving issues quickly now that it’s done.
I know it will be time consuming for me if I spend a lot of time in this thread going back and forth, so I’m checking out for now, and I’m going to focus on just solving issues. I’ll check back in another couple days. Again, each of you with issues have my sincere apologies. We’re doing everything we can to right that now.Thanks,
(mods please don’t delete the signature on this one so people know who is writing and my name is different from the username)[No problem. We don’t object to people signing off with their name. It’s all of the other stuff that people add to .sigs that is usually removed. ?? ]
# # # 87% – says something is broken # # #
Hmm – I think many user click “broken”, although in many cases only a (small) part does not work. photocrati-bashing is probably “in” at the moment. But for one of the biggest wordpress plugins of all time, unfortunately, the negative reactions and emotions are always around several times stronger than the positive reports.
The big problem is, in my opinion, that nextgen 2 engages too hard in the wordpress system. In my eyes, this is not absolutely necessary in this form. Nextgen also should adhere to the standard methods – for example the proper and standard way enqueue of css and js or leave jquery-loading/register untouched. Nobody wants that nextgen totally messes up the source code.
Cache plugins, combine js plugins, combine css plugins, google jquery Version 1.10.2 etc. should always work with or without nextgen. Currently, the nextgen loading of js and css is so funny or buggy that many of these plugins (for example autoptimize) do not work properly.Closing this topic as it is not longer contributing anything useful to the WordPress community.
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