• Anonymous User 16484011


    Hi !

    I have WordPress site where two main user roles. Patients and Doctors. Currently in my site patients contact me and I refer any of my registered patient to any of my registered doctor. Now a days I use manually email sending method to inform patient and doctors. I used emails for two purpose – to inform and to keeping records. But it’s hectic.

    I think (it’s just my thought) I want to use unique code type of system. Where I give patient to a one unique code after its request to me and when he give this unique code to any doctor and When doctor use that code I,patient and doctor got a mail that code is used.

    So, I have track or record my transactions automatically. For that I googled but it’s shows me referral and affiliation plugins. But how it’s help me I don’t know. Also I have very little and basic skills of programming.

    Do anyone have any idea to do this or plugin name or anything alternative to do the same or any suggestion please tell me.


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  • Hi @harihealthcare,

    I’ve built lots of healthcare systems over the years, so I have a rough understanding of what you need. Let me know if this is correct.

    – You are wanting to be able to distribute a unique code, that when entered displays patient information to a doctor.

    – Also you want an email to be sent to the patient when that unique code is accessed, along with the details of who accessed it.

    I don’t think there is a plugin out there that does exactly what you need. But I imagine this could be built as follows:

    – An online form that captures patient information, which is then stored in the system
    – This generates a unique identifier that can be given to the Patient
    – A login form that accepts the unique ID, and the doctors credentials (for security audit purposes)
    – This logs-in the Doctor, allows them to view the information, and sends an email to the Patient

    Does this sound like what you need?

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 16484011


    Hi !

    Matt Watson,

    Thank for your reply,

    You got my point. But I add something on your above sentences.

    1. I built a system where patient and doctors are registered. Patient registered through by my app or site and for doctors we have manually registration by our support staff after some discussion with him/her.

    2. Patient register with us and when he/she need a doctor than they call us and we refer to the Doctor.

    3. We have so many doctors and as per the patients problem we suggest him/her to options of doctors who registered with us. Patients choose one of doctor and we refer that patient to that doctor.

    4. Let get an technically example.

    In my site now there are four roles. Admin,Support,Doctor and Patient. Assume We have three doctors Doctor-1,Doctor-2,Doctor-3 and Patient-1,Patient-2,Patient-3. One Administrator and One Support Staff.

    I want that type of system when Patient-1 came to us and choose Doctor-3 than our support person generate a unique code and give it to Patient-1 and it’s used by only Patient-1 not any other Patient-2 or Patient-3 and same way it’s only redeemed by only Doctor-3 not by Doctor-1 or Doctor-2.

    When doctor use that code than triggered three mails. One to admin, second to doctor and third to patient.

    Also when Patient logged into our site they only see {read only mode} their assigned doctors profile in their profile menu. And same way when Doctor logged into our site they only seen {limited access} their assigned patients profile.

    5. Also maintain records as per doctor wise, patient wise, code wise, etc..

    Tell me if you need any other info from me.

    Thanks & Regards

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Anonymous User 16484011.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Anonymous User 16484011.
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