• Hi,

    I’m using a plugin on my site to upload files directly to Amazon s3 and delete them from the local media. However, because WordPress 4.4 uses responsive images system, I can see that the featured images on my site are showing 404 because WordPress is [likely] forcing to use the local server source instead of S3.

    You can see what I’m talking about here: https://hashtagdhaka.com

    Images inserted into the post do not have a problem being served from the S3. But the featured images have an srcset link to local server (/wp-content) where the file does not exist.

    Is there an easy way to disable the responsive image feature from WordPress 4.4?

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  • This problem first occurred on my site when I upgraded to 4.4. It did not occur before that. My wordpress is hosted through GoDaddy.

    @turmell1 Use the plugin @joseph Fusco shared, it’ll solve the issue for you.


    Don’t we want our images to be responsive for mobile?

    @turmell1 We absolutely do but some plugins/themes are having conflicts with the new way WordPress handles responsive images using srcset. It is strongly encouraged to use srcset as it allows browsers to load different size files rather than just 1 image resized with css across devices. Your images will still look fine, they just wont really be optimized as nicely as how WordPress 4.4 handles it. Keep in mind that plugin only prevents core from adding the scrset to your post & page images. It does not remove css that makes your images responsive.

    Joseph: Thank you for this plugin. We have been getting barraged with emails from customers and clients about images being blurry in iPads, and only recently learned it was related to changes in WP 4.4. Please clarify the following for me:

    1) Is this an issue purely with OTHER plugins being incompatible with the 4.4 changes on responsive images, and we are waiting on those plugins to catch up, rather than some other change to the function from WP?

    2) What impact, if any, do custom add_image_size functions have on this. We have some like these in many of our sites…are these formatted correctly?

    add_image_size( ‘feature-hometop’, 200, 150 );
    add_image_size( ‘home-feature-post’, 300, 150, true );
    add_image_size( ‘post-image’, 760, 360, TRUE );
    add_image_size( ‘widget-image’, 295, 100, TRUE );

    3) Would you suggest we install your plugin if images are blurry/pixelated on any site, for now, and then wait to see if plugins or WP update something at a later point to fix this?

    Thanks very much…

    Hi craigcue,

    The issue you’re client’s are running into with iPads is a bug in iOS 8 that results in the wrong image being downloaded by Safari. To fix this issue, you would need to polyfill responsive image support for web browsers that don’t support the responsive image HTML attributes. The easiest way to do this is to install the RICG Responsive Images plugin.

    For you second question, WordPress will add all custom image sizes that are the same aspect ratio as the original src attribute as sources for the browser to choose from. You don’t have to change anything you’re currently doing for responsive images support in WordPress to work on your site. However, you can add additional custom sizes to better support your theme as you find necessary.

    – Joe

    You could also use CSS to over-rule SRCSET, on a specific device, most are quite easy to find out and filter by their screen size.

    One dumb example in CSS:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 480px) 
    img: width: 300px !important; so on;

    And this is only for Lumia stuff 620 to 1020 .. I’m quite sure you can find a special class only for ios8 by a combination of CSS and Js detection.

    Not the best, I agree, but could be a quick fix to force image size according to device resolution.

    Not know for sure what solved fuzzy images but this is what i did.
    Deleted contact form 7 plugin,updated Yuzo – Related Posts plugin then after disabled (Disable Responsive Images) plugin made by Joseph and now my photos are back to normal as before.
    Also not know for sure but i deleted an old plugin it was named No Right Click Images plugin and i have buy one new Pro version.
    Hope this helps someone.

    Hi aisajib

    We have blog post on this subject

    How to disable responsive images srcset

    Hope that this helps

    The same i’ve just think about srcset and old images on wp posts and applied to some code to get a decent result …

    As this problem may come out only for old posts, so you would apply this solution, only for posts date prior your update. Easy as it is to solve all these problems also:

    Responsive Images in WordPress 4.4

    I tried the disable-image-generation Plugin, however, this plugin just disables the display of images but not the generation of them.

    I would like to disable generation on upload because I upload a lot of images and space goes out quick with this feature.

    Is there any way to disable it?

    Thanks in advance

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