Hi @majdawoocomm,
The [amazon-product-search] shortcode does allow for keyword related searches, but the keyword(s) have to be entered into the shortcode itself by the person creating the post. There is not an option to allow the visitor to enter their own keywords, nor is there an easy way to display the output in a grid layout.
Additionally, there is currently not any pagination with any of the shortcodes.
That said, the version 4.0.4 of the plugin, which will be out in the next few days, will have Gutenberg blocks and more enhancements to the shortcodes to allow more functionality. One of those is allowing the [amazon-product-search] to be displayed as a grid layout.
When that is released, you could theoretically provide a user input on a page for keywords and use it to display the results of the search in a grid. It would require you to add code to your theme template to achieve it, but it could be done. Pagination would still be an issue because it is not easy to retrieve the number of products in a search result to be able to paginate the results that way. Additionally, only 10 results max are returned per page with 10 pages max (assuming the search is not “All” or “Blended”, then it is only 5 pages), per API call (this being an Amazon limitation, not the plugin).
In the meantime, we do have a plugin add-on that turns the search shortcode into a grid layout – but that may not help at all if you need the user to provide the search string. Let me know if you want to try it out, I will send you a link to download.