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  • I think the proper term is “WordPressii.” ??
    Yes it’s completely possible. You can even have them in the same database, just give them different table prefixes in the wp-config.php file.

    Actually I have found that logging in with one browser is an issue. Something to do with cookies. I have solved the problem momentarily by using 2 different browsers, one for each blog. I know that this will be fixed in the next beta release, though. ??

    yup i faced the same cookie problem. but it works perfectly…

    This should have been fixed in the latest CVS release. Were you using this or just the SourceForge download?

    .72gold. me don’t try the CVS versions. I had rather wait for the final product. ??

    If you have the second WP on a subdomain you should be able to avoid the cookie bug in .72.

    yep true. subdomains are treated as seperate websites. my 2 blogs were on the same server different directories…

    Right. The cookie issue comes into play when you have two WP installs under the same subdomain, and one is installed in a subdirectory of the other. This is fixed in CVS. But it shouldn’t be a problem if each install is in a separate subdomain, or if they are installed in sibling directories (e.g. ‘/root/wp1’ and ‘/root/wp2’).

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