I’m back with an update, as promised.
SecureAuth Authenticate seems to work without issue with Wordfence 2FA login security.
Here’s the abbreviated version of the instructions should anyone else need them:
1. Install SecureAuth Authenticate app on your smart phone.
2. Log into WordPress. If you’re an admin go to Wordfence –> Login Security. Ther ee you will see a QR code that you will need in step 5.
3. Open the SecureAuth app and click on the “CONNECT ACCOUNT” button.
4. You will be given two options for how to connect – select “Connect with QR Code”. (The app may ask permission to use your device’s camera – go ahead and grant that permission.)
5. Use your phone to take a picture of the QR code.
6. Once you’ve take a picture of your QR code, you will be asked to confirm the connection. To do so, enter the 6 digit number that appears on your phone into the Wordfence box (same page as the QR code) and click activate. Note: you must click “activate” in WordPress before the timer next to the code in the SecureAuth app counts down to zero.
7. You will then be given the option to download your account recovery codes ( you can also do this at any time in the future by going back into WordPress admin –> Wordfence –> Login Security.
8. If you click “back” in the app on your smartphone, you should now see the new account entry for the site you just set up.
9. To confirm that everything is working correctly, log out of WordPress and log back in. After you successfully enter your username and password, you will now see a new screen, asking for the 2FA code. Go into the SecueAuth app on your phone and find it and enter it before the timer runs out and click the Log In button.
You have completed the setup process for 2FA. Please repeat this process for all
Wordpress sites you have access to. Each one will need a different 2FA code, they cannot be used across all the WordPress sites.