The following is made in regards to all plugin authors, not just Johan. When you have a plugin you that really love, really rely on, give a donation to the author. I know I gave something to Johan last year. 1) I wanted to show my appreciation, and 2) I want the plugin to continue to be supported. I do this with free plugins that are critical to me.
You can donate to Johan at:
Back to the parse error…
I, too, am waiting to to hear about this parse error before I update WP, as it would be a pretty big problem for me if it didn’t work. I’m sure Johan will reply to us here shortly.
Perhaps it only happens for some people because it’s related to the particular content of the snippet? To those having issues, are there any special characters or html in your content? Have you tried deactivating the the snippets one at a time to see if it’s one in particular? Or does it even throw off the error if there are no snippets active?
Are there any people running the plugin on 4.4.3 without any issues, and what kind of content is in the snippets?