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  • When display issues… this is a good place to start – validation:

    (I am afraid you are setting a new record with 707 errors!)

    You should NOT use the wysiwyg editor if you are copy/pasting stuff from from word processors.

    Thread Starter kgsstore


    omg ..i can cry..Everything was fine until a few minutes agao. i installed a link popularity plugging. As u see the first 2 articles on my blog is you move down the rest is bold ..crowed and unable to read..please can anyone help me.

    It’s very difficult to find where the issue is. As moshu says, your page doesn’t validate, the code is in a right state. I don’t know if you designed the theme yourself or downloaded it elsewhere. If you wrote it yourself, you need to revist your code and make sure that all your elements are properly closed. If you downloaded it, consider getting a different theme.

    All the tags in XHTML should be in lowercase.

    If you have invalid syntax, or poorly nested elements, then this could cause the web browsers to display your pages oddly.

    I know you have at least one occurance of <big> which might not help.

    Yes, you should cry beacuse of using that much crappy non XHTML code in every post of yours.

    As for the fix: learn how to read you source code.
    Find this line:
    <BIG>First Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman, etc, etc.

    Delete or CLOSE that freaking “BIG”!

    Yeah. The <BIG> bits are never being closed so are probably adding to each other in each subsequent post.

    <!–post text with the read more link–>
    <p><img src=’; alt=’foreplay image’ />Say I Love You.<BIG>

    THere’s your first BIG.

    Get that out of your template at least. Consider fixing the rest.

    Thread Starter kgsstore


    Thank you very much..I will do as told..and see what happends

    Thread Starter kgsstore


    ooh thank you much..I am new to bloggiing..i started 4 days ago.”.XHTML code ” I dont even know what that is.

    all i know is html .

    so please thank you..and forgive.
    also how can i make my font bigger???
    should i continue to use the <BIG> function and close all the tabs..

    or something else that wont mess me up?

    Bigger isn’t always better. At least when it comes to text size.

    No, you don’t make your fonts bigger.
    You don’t mess with fonts in the posts. EVER!

    Your html knowledge, seemingly, is not enough to mess with these things. Just blog and be happy if it works ??

    Thread Starter kgsstore


    I like it bigger..i heard that people read more of ur blog if font is bigger.
    ok..should i google and look for a script for font styles like verdanda..and the size..and put code in blog?

    I will have to be more careful..and dont cry next time.:)

    <P><FONT face=Verdana>

    my text and images here!

    will the code above work? for choosing my font face

    I like it bigger..

    I suppose that’s your choice. It can be incredibly off-putting though to find a site full of “wacky” changing font sizes. Consistency is the key.

    i heard that people read more of ur blog if font is bigger.

    Really? No word of a lie, if I randomly came across two blogs with identical content and one was written in stupidly large clown text and the other was in a normal-sized font, I’d stick with the normal one. Maybe it’s just me then.

    should i google and look for a script for font styles like verdanda..and the size..and put code in blog?

    If I were you I would google for “CSS” and “coding to HTML Standards instead”. It will be more productive.

    I will have to be more careful..and dont cry next time.:)

    <P><FONT face=Verdana>

    my text and images here!

    will the code above work? for choosing my font face

    It would work (though you would need a closing </p>) but it would be invalid syntax (because it’s uppercase) and outdated (because you just don’t need <FONT> any more.)

    CSS is the way to go. It’ll take you a while to pick up on it, though, but stick at it and your pages will improve.

    Thread Starter kgsstore


    thanks everyone..i have booked marked the validation page with my blog i can work towards fixing them. Thanks alot.

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