Is my wordpress site hacked??? please help!
Today I suddenly can’t open my wordpress blog.
I asked the server provider, they told me that there has been violation at server uptime at one of my database. That process overloaded whole server and has to be closed.
There are hundreds of queries like this| 118 | newscand_newlife | localhost | newscand_life | Query | 87 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT
, COUNT(*) asxcount
, MAX(date
) ASdate
GROUP BYpost_id
ORDE || 228 | newscand_newlife | localhost | newscand_life | Query | 44 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT
, COUNT(*) asxcount
, MAX(date
) ASdate
GROUP BYpost_id
ORDE |Unless I find a safer solutions to protect from this queries, they won’t reopen my database. I don’t even know what’s going on, or what is the hole, where those queries come from, how can I find a safer solution?
Please help, thanks!!!
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