what do you mean?
In front page you can put the slider, the featured pages, (and widgets as in other pages) and if you display the blog on it you can display it in several different formats, 1) grid (excerpt),
2) simple list layout :
– showing the full content
– showing the excerpt
– alternate thumbnails/excerpt
– thumb to the right
– thumb to the left
– thumb above the excerpt
– thumb below the excerpt
– rounded thumb with effects on hover or not
– squared “”
– rectangular “”
also different effects, expansion, blur, un-blur and so on.
You can customize a lot of other thing site-wide or for page/posts/archives and so on
This theme offers a large amount of options, you cannot say isn’t customizable. Opinions are opinions, but you know giving 1 star with this laconic generalist comment about the customizability of a theme which offers tons of options is beyond the opinion.
This is my opinion ??
If you’re talking about a static front page, you can build it the way you want if you know html. Then if you were expecting something like a page builder (there are plugins for that).. yeah this theme doesn’t provide any tool like that.