foxsch, thanks for your consideration.
I feel like I did when my friend Tom asked me if he could date the girl I had just broken up with – appreciative of the consideration, understanding that I couldn’t stop him, reluctant none the less.
Rootspersona is not abandoned. Some might know I am also the developer of Evidentia, a commercial product for genealogist. My focus for the last two years has been on developing the next version of Evidentia. For that reason Rootspersona has not been feeling the love. I have managed to keep it updated as each new WordPress release has come out, as well as when PHP 7x became the standard, but little else.
I have a vision for Rootspersona 4, and even hired a freelancer to develop a new theme for it, started rebuilding the importer, but I had taken on too much and had to table it. My plan was/is to go freemium – a free version better but similar to what is available today (but improved, with some new features), and a Premium/licensed version with more advanced functionality.
But back to your question.
1) The current version of Evidentia is open source. That means anyone can fork it and develop it.
2) I have not had anyone to help maintain it in its 7+ years. I would welcome the help if a good developer is interested. We would have to work out what that meant if/when it went freemium. I am open to discussion on that.
3) I would LOVE to help some help fleshing out the website with help guides, examples, and even articles, whether someone is helping with the code or not.
3) My current “plan” is to have the next version of Evidentia out by Feb, give it a month or two to settle, then start working on Rootspersona4 again.
4) Whatever happens, in the short/medium term I will continue to keep Rootspersona running as new versions of WP are released, at LEAST for the next 2 years.