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  • Could be Jackosh…. I always forget about the silly cookie stuff….

    Okay, so your “normal” theme is the one with the longitudinal black bars at the top, and the one you’re considering is the one with the pale blue header?

    I’d go with the pale blue header one – gives the site an anchor, looks more finished….

    Thread Starter jackosh


    thanks! that’s what I like about it. The only thing I don’t like about it is that I really don’t have content that I can tab. Just a blog.. I figure I could make some other pages with content, but that may be silly just so it could look better..!

    I’ll probably end up just doing it anyways!!

    Thanks again!

    jackosh, I like the simple one, simple is beautiful and fast loading is of course bonus for people with slow connection.

    Another off-topic issue I see that you have done the ‘trackbacklist’ plugin, I have posted here a question as to how to separate trackback, pingback from comments. You may be able to throw some lights?

    Thread Starter jackosh


    thanks for your input! it looks like the argument is fairly even ??

    PS i’ve posted a response to your question in your other topic to keep things separate!

    I prefer the black and white version. How about trying the link color (dark blue) of the blue header version on the black line version…

    @wibu, I “unspammed” your comment there.. ??

    @jackosh, at first when seeing those “joke remarks”, it DID appear to be offensive.. Comments leaning towards, “making me (a moderator) look like a drug user.. per se, and a dumbass”..(even though I can be a dumbass at times LoL!) IS and WILL be offensive..

    You, or, no one else for that matter, DO NOT know that I’m on probation, and I’m NOT allowed around drugs, beer and whatever else for 2 years. If I am, I get jail time..

    And with me being “clean and sober” since Feb 06, from the beer.. (cause that’s my “drug of choice”).. the remarks on having a recently used pipe around my desk, IS and WAS offensive..

    Why? Because, I DO NOT do that stuff to begin with.. ?? I did see how it could be funny though.. I laughed myself..after re-reading it lol! But, again, when I seen that right away.. I felt it wasn’t right..

    This thread IS going waaay off topic.. there’s too much arguing and explanation going on, over something that shouldn’t have been, to begin with.. IMHO, I should “edit” this thread to remove the “junk” excess stuff..

    To keep this thread on track, of the whole purpose behind it.. ?? Anyone agree, or..?


    /Sorry, I wasn’t originally going to reply to this thread, but since I had to let WiBu know, their comment was “unspammed”.. I figured why not.. ?? =P

    Thread Starter jackosh


    @spencer – LOL, again I was just joking!! had I known that you thought that my first response had attitude (for which I promise that no attitude was intended), I definitely would not have posted trying to joke with you! On top of that, I didn’t know you had a drinking problem, and definitely would not have made a drug joke if I did.

    @wibu – yeah, I definitely could do that but it wouldn’t add too much color to the mix, know what I mean? I feel like the black and white theme can be a little dull..! BUT, I also feel like it does the trick..

    If I changed the header in the regular version to the dark blue, do you think I should change the links to the blue, too?

    @spencer – LOL, again I was just joking!! had I known that you thought that my first response had attitude (for which I promise that no attitude was intended), I definitely would not have posted trying to joke with you! On top of that, I didn’t know you had a drinking problem, and definitely would not have made a drug joke if I did.

    LOL.. It’s ok jackosh.. I knew that you didn’t know. ;)=) When I get off probation.. I’ll have to get a case of Molson Triple X, and come back to this thread to celebrate.. Hahaha!! ?? =P

    /And then *cough* shove a bottle of it up the probation officer’s arse and tell him to, sit and spin, and PARTY UP BUDDY!

    Thread Starter jackosh


    haha! I’ll be here chillin with a sixer!

    I’m partial to theme #2. ??

    (but then again, my fav color is blue so I guess that makes me biased ;))

    Thread Starter jackosh


    Thanks Nitallica!!!

    This is crazy!! It seems like every poster is choosing the opposite theme from the last poster!!!!!!

    Looks like it’s 3 – 3!!

    “@wibu – yeah, I definitely could do that but it wouldn’t add too much color to the mix, know what I mean? I feel like the black and white theme can be a little dull..! BUT, I also feel like it does the trick..”

    Maybe so but I’m partial to the high contrast and cleanliness of the black and white version. The dark blue link color would go nicely with it and add a tiny hint of color.

    I like the B&W a lot more. The color is unnecessary, and you only use it once in the page. Personally, though, I’d enlarge the logo and add a bit of whitespace, like this.

    my 2c. I really like the simple design.

    Thread Starter jackosh


    @wibu: Yeah, I totally agree with you. AND, I would like to add “a hint of color”. That is actually why I began to play around with the header.

    @theiconoclast: hmm, I’ve never thought about changing the size of the header. Looks like I’ll have to play with that tomorrow!! Thanks for the suggestion!

    it looks like you all have been at this at lot longer than me. your site looks great to me jack. i wouldn’t mind getting a few opinions on mine. i too strive for simplicity, but i’m afraid i get carried away at times.


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