• Resolved morganmarie


    This could be a really stupid question, but here it goes.

    I am trying to use another theme for its page design capabilities.

    For example, my Active Theme (HighEnd) has different boxes to drag and drop, doesn’t allow widgets to be put in pages, and doesn’t allow for the style choices I’d like to make. This second theme (Headway) has all of that.

    I typed in the URL for the page I wanted to have in the second theme, but the backend editor is still the same. When I view the page, all the setting for the logo is all messed up (I guess because it isn’t configured for the Headway theme).

    I thought the Multiple Themes plugin would show the backend editor (the tools with which I can create the look of a page) of the second theme. Is this incorrect? Does this plugin do that (and something just isn’t going right) or does it always use the Active Theme page editor?

    Would I have to create another website to use another theme’s editor?


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  • The plugin author may have more ideas for you because what I have to say is out of date, in that I haven’t worked with this plugin since a previous version of WordPress. And things have changed in WordPress since then.

    The Settings page has a “Theme Options” tab that brought together all of the available Workarounds known as of about a year ago. It is worth a read.

    To directly answer your Backend question: With a couple of theme-specific exceptions, mostly to make AJAX work properly, the plugin does not override WordPress standard behaviour for Admin panels, which means that the WordPress Active Theme is considered the Theme by Admin/Backend. When the plugin was originally written, and even during its several major rewrites since, Admin panels looked the same, no matter what Theme was Active.

    Thread Starter morganmarie


    Okay, so just to clarify, unless something has changed, I will not be able to create a page in a different theme’s editor with this plugin.

    Do you know of anything I can do or use to do this?

    Thank you so much for your time.

    Thread Starter morganmarie


    Wait… Could I just switch the Active Theme to Headway, create the page I want, then switch it back over to HighEnd, and set that page to Headway?

    Would that work or am I crazy?

    Yes, that will probably work. The Theme Options tab talks about other ways to do that, too.

    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    Marking resolved since there appears to be no further discussion on this thread.


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