• We installed this plugin but it broke the site (no pages load).

    Is it because it is incompatible with PHP 7.0?

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  • Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    We have not tested on anything greater than PHP 5.6+. Please enable WB_Debug as that will output the exact error message. The fact that none of your pages loaded is a tell tale sign of a 500 server error which is most likely due to incompatibility. If we find that to be true, we’ll add compatibility in the next release.

    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Tested with PHP version 7.0.9 and everything was good to go. Go into your wp-config.php file and set WB_Debug to true and see what the error message says. Are you using another Braintree plugin? It’s possible that those plugins do not perform a duplicate class check which will cause PHP to error out.

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