• Hello, I`m facing a problem that I can′t find an answer to ??
    I`ve been feeding my WordPress site(using 4.0 and Hi-Respons theme) with content, using posts to create a portfolio and showcase some work. Mostly images and text but the problem appears only after a while, when the post starts to get quite long and heavy(large images and slideshows). When I update it seems like as if the post stops entering new data after a specific point. As if the post becomes corrupt or damaged. One post didn′t even let me erase a gallery and another one won′t let me add thumnails. So, is there a limit of content in a post or what is possibly the problem causing this dilemma?

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  • lisa


    can you provide a link to the website?

    When I update it seems like as if the post stops entering new data after a specific point

    This is likely a server configuration issue related to the PHP directive:

    post_max_size = 1M

    See where the 1M may cause an issue?

    See: https://php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php

    Please discuss this with your current hosting provider. If you can use a php.ini file, you can raise that threshold, but only to a limit set by host (and as allowed by host) based on account (which means $$ you pay them).

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