• Resolved RyanPayne


    Hello all,

    I’m needing a US map that allows a user to click on an individual state and be taken to that state’s page. Any ideas or plugins available? I’ve been searching everywhere but haven’t been able to find anything.


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  • Hi Shirazdrum, i updated the code as you instructed in the previous reply with a sample link but the map still isn’t clickable. Am I missing something?

    Here’s how I updated the code:
    [ Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or
    use the code button. ]

    <map name="ImageMap_1_1163747142"> <area title="Illinois" shape="poly" coords="463,184,450,219,470,243,467,254,486,275,496,274,505,243,501,189,493,174,461,179" href="https://www.google.com/search?q=mixed+martial+arts+classes+illinois&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a" alt="Illinois" /></map>

    Here’s the link to the page where the code is located:

    Your code is wrong. compare both codes side by side and you’ll see your mistakes. Also you can’t resize this map just by resizing the image because all the coordinates will come out wrong. you’ll need to resize the map by javascript for example which is beyond your capability, based on the errors above. (No disrespect intended, i’m just being truthful.)

    @Shirazdum I was wondering how hard it would be to make this into something that would populate from an calendar event post.
    Meaning when I post (using a normal blog post) a workshop in October it will have not only it’s on page but will showup to a calendar page. It also can then show it in a widget.
    Is it possible to use that same info to make that sweet map of yours?

    I want to be able to post a class, add a location, date, & details. It would then add itself to the calendar page & Map page. All from one post.

    That would actually be the most killer thing & a jillion rock bands, workshops, fair travelers & trekies would love it.

    Thanks for your help!

    (looked at your site, if you switched web design for marketing we would be the same people. Never saw anyone else who offers video services & something else but me. Renaissance Men!)

    Hi there,
    Thanks for this map – i know all of you are getting this map to work… but when i cut and paste the code by shirazdrum, it doesnt work at all… any suggestions?

    Ah – Im thinking that it’s my wordpress theme?

    Just wanted to add to this conversation with a simple ‘thanks’ to Chris and other contributors.

    @ Guruj – have you found anything out there like you described? I’m looking for a way for user generated listings to be cataloged into certain areas of a searchable website.

    Hello everyone!

    There’s a plugin I developed that does similar stuff to what you are looking for. You can create maps from the US and color states, set markers in locations and display tooltips on hover and make them clicable.

    The code already shares works well, It’s already useful, but if you want something more advanced, check out this example maps.


    @carlosmoreirapt – Your plugin is awesome Carlos! Super-easy to set up and use. Very intuitive as well. Thanks for the link.

    I couldn’t find what I was looking for so I created this one:

    Enjoy! If you need help send me an email [email protected]

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