Let me be frank, Frank1. You are asking a question which seems to be beyond your current understanding of WordPress. It will be hard for folks to explain everything you need to know and understand. You need to work with WordPress for a while and get used to what you can and can’t do with it. I don’t say this to be mean, I’m just trying to be honest with you.
Quicktags are a menu of JavaScript-based “tools” that appear just above the space in your Admin Panel where you actually type in your posts.
Most of all, just be patient and be willing to explore and mess around with stuff. It’s a good way to learn, although it’s not for everyone.
That said, there may be a plugin out there that does exactly what you are looking for. Be patient and keep searching. Don’t forget that Google and Yahoo! are good search engines to use. People will help you as they can, but we can’t help everyone through every step of the way. We’ll do our best to help, but you can’t expect people to just show up and “cut and paste” some code onto the forum for you to use. That does happen at times, but mostly one must be patient and keep slogging away at things.
Most of all, don’t forget to have fun!