• I am wanting to create page title images within the h3 tag, so is there a way to create the images on the fly, without creating them in Photoshop? I am going to use a font face which most users will not have on their computer, as I downloaded it from the Internet, so it would be better to have a plugin for the images. If someone does know of a plugin to do this, please post the name or link here. Thanks in advance.

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  • I can help only with generate image:

    $font = "/VIVALDII.TTF"; // path to font ttf-files (FULL!!!!)
    $fontsize = '64'; // font-size
    $fontcolor = "#ff0000"; // font-color
    $text = "Wordpress"; // Text
    $cmd = "convert -background none -font \"".$font."\" -pointsize ".$fontsize." -fill \"".$fontcolor."\" label:\"".$text."\" -trim png:-";
    header("Content-type: image/png");

    If you wonna make <h3> with image, then must be somethink:

    $font = "/VIVALDII.TTF";
    $fontsize = '64';
    $fontcolor = "#ff0000";
    $cmd = "convert -background none -font \"".$font."\" -pointsize ".$fontsize." -fill \"".$fontcolor."\" label:\"".$text."\" -trim png:-";
    header("Content-type: image/png");

    Well, something like that. dare ??

    I found a plugin to do such a thing… it goes in the template, to replace the title tag with an image. It works with WordPress 3.2.1…


    Hope this helps! ??

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