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  • Plugin Contributor Hugh Lashbrooke


    The shortcode is [ss_podcast] – open up seriously-simple-podcasting-functions.php and go to line 183 for the shortcode function that will indicate what parameters you can use. I don’t have any docs on how to use the shortcode yet so I can’t help you further than that – I’m working on docs and will have them published at some point.


    Thread Starter mendocinotim



    Thanks of the help.

    I have another question..
    I notice there is no way to specify which page template is applied to the podcasts pages.
    How do I tell it which template to use please?

    BTW – for anyone reading this..
    Here’s line 183 of seriously-simple-podcasting-functions.php

    if ( ! function_exists( 'ss_podcast_shortcode' ) ) {
    	function ss_podcast_shortcode ( $atts, $content = null ) {
    		$args = (array) $atts;
    		$defaults = array(
    			'title' => '',
    			'content' => 'series',
    			'series' => '',
    			'echo' => false,
    			'size' => 100,
    			'link_title' => true
    		$args = shortcode_atts( $defaults, $atts );
    		// Make sure we return and don't echo.
    		$args['echo'] = false;
    		return ss_podcast( $args );

    Plugin Contributor Hugh Lashbrooke


    The podcast pages use WordPress’ built-in post type archive and single templates, so they do not use page templates. See the second question in the FAQs to find out how to customise this for your theme:

    Hello Hugh
    The plugin looks just what I want but I need to embed it in a page. I’ve looked at the above but fail to see how to add the simplest shortcode to bring up the default player. I thought this would work

    [ss_podcast title=”TITLE”]

    but I can’t work out where to find the title! The only thing I can find is the id of the audio in the source code: id=”audio-157-1″ but that isn’t a title…

    thanks in advance

    Just to reply to my own question. I had a serious misunderstanding of what the plugin shortcode was supposed to do. Sorry about that. I thought it would enable me to put a single episode on a page, not just a link to ALL the podcasts (via various intermediary pages), which is why I never tried [ss_podcast] without any parameters.

    [ss_podcast] does work on its own.

    However, I still want to have an individual episode on a page with other text, and not have to go through various pages to arrive at the audio.

    Any help would be appreciated, Hugh – please see my email

    Plugin Contributor Hugh Lashbrooke


    Hi Steve,

    I am working on improving the shortcodes and widgets for v2.0, but for now they are fairly limited unfortunately. You can achieve what you want using standard WordPress queries, but I can’t help you out with that as it is rather advanced support.

    Also, if you have a new question, please start a new support topic – don’t add onto an old one.


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