I’ve never used any “image rotator plugins” per se, but have used sliders in the past. I would suggest checking out the Smart Slider 3 plugin; probably overkill for what you might want, but I know this is a good one. I just loaded this into my local test site with Alurra and seems to work, although it might take a bit of time to get used to the tons of options and settings. I noticed that it comes with several free slide-styled layouts. **There is a pro version, but I think the free one would work just as well.
When using this, it has a widget you can simply drop into the “banner” sidebar position. If you don’t want this on all pages, check out my article about showing widgets on select pages:
Show or Hide Widgets on Select Pages
As for alternate slider (Carousel) plugins, I did a WordPress Plugins search with the keyword: Carousel
You can check out the others that show up.
Read through reviews and see what people are saying…every slider will have good and bad issues.