• Resolved allmyhoney


    Hi there, I do realize that you can show the latest posts from a certain category. However is there a way to just show the latest posts from the entire website? I would like my news ticker to basically just show the latest posts across the entire website.

    Thank you.

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  • Plugin Contributor Ketan Patel



    Thanks for reaching here.

    You want to different custom post type display ticker.
    It’s possible. Please try this shortcode and pass the parameter value.

    – Please set your custom post type slug in the “post_type” parameter and set your custom post type taxonomy slug in the “post_cat” parameter.
    [wp_ticker post_type="post" post_cat="post_tag"]

    Please check and let me know if you anything else.


    Thread Starter allmyhoney


    I guess my original point here is that I will not have a custom post type slug. I want to just simply show the latest posts from the entire website not from one specific category or tag. So Basically I want to just simply show the latest posts across all categories?

    Plugin Contributor Ketan Patel



    Thanks for reaching again.

    You want to display category-wise latest ticker post.
    You have passed your category id in our category parameter.
    Please add the below shortcode.
    [wp ticker category="Please enter your category ID here"]

    Please check and let me know if you anything else.


    Thread Starter allmyhoney


    Again no that is not what I am asking. I have 15 categories on my website. I do not want to post the latest posts from one specific category.

    I want a ticker on the site shows the latest posts from all 15 categories. So basically how do I show the latest 10 posts for example from the entire website. Not from 1 specific category.

    Thanks, hope this is now clearer.

    Plugin Contributor Ketan Patel



    Please pass the “limit” parameter in your shortcode.

    Kindly you are displaying 10 ticker posts so please pass the limit parameter value 10.
    [wp ticker limit="10"]

    Please check and let me know.


    Thread Starter allmyhoney


    Hi there, that did not do anything unfortunately. I first tried this on its own [wp ticker limit=”10″] and nothing happened at all.

    I put in this

    [wp_ticker limit=”10″ ticker_title=”Editors Pick” color=”#000″ background_color=”#5ebd00″ effect=”fade” fontstyle=”normal” autoplay=”true” timer=”5000″ title_color=”#fff” border=”true” link=”true” link_target=”self”]

    and this happened: https://share.getcloudapp.com/5zuB5pO4

    So as you can see nothing happens. I just want to show the latest posts across the entire website.


    Plugin Contributor Ketan Patel



    Please do not copy and paste the shortcode parameter because it causes the quote(“) issue. Please write manually.

    Please find our website and join live chat we need to check your website.


    Thread Starter allmyhoney


    Hi there, I have retyped it and still it just does this: https://share.getcloudapp.com/z8u6nDrB

    That just shows the word TEST inside the ticket and does not show the latest posts from the entire website unfortunately.

    I used this: [wp_ticker limit=”10″ ]

    Any other ideas?

    Thread Starter allmyhoney


    Just to follow up I basically have to put in a category like this category=”111″ but of course when I do this then the latest posts only come from that category and not the entire website? Thanks

    Plugin Contributor Ketan Patel



    The “limit” parameter only works to show ticker posts.
    Ex: You like the first 5 ticker post display that you have to pass 5 limit values.

    You want to display the “order wise” ticker post.
    Sorry for the inconvenience, “order” parameter is not available in our free version.

    Just to follow up I basically have to put in a category like this category=”111″ but of course when I do this then the latest posts only come from that category and not the entire website?
    > Yes, You pass the category id to the category parameter that only this category’s post displays.


    Thread Starter allmyhoney


    So what you are saying is its not possible to show the latest posts from all categories so? My question is a very simple one basically. Is it possible to show just lets say the latest 5 posts from the entire site not just one category? Is that possible?


    Plugin Contributor Ketan Patel



    Please find our website and join live chat. our team better solution to your problem.

    limit parameter only displays the number of posts.
    Ex: you want to display the last five post displays. you pass limit parameter value five.


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