• cristihainic


    Is there a way to show unique views of each post in (site)/wp-admin/edit.php ?


Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • MichaelH


    Do you mean like a single post view as described in Template Hierarchy?

    Thread Starter cristihainic


    Hi MichaelH,

    Not really. I want my panel to show the unique visits that each post has had, so that if I wanted to pay users for writing on my blog based on the unique views their content has generated, I’d know how much to pay them ??

    Thanks for your help and I’m looking forward for possible ideas!



    Not sure there’s a plugin that does unique views but look here:

    Thread Starter cristihainic


    He he I’ve spent about two days browsing through the plugins on www.ads-software.com, but jut didn’t find anything suitable ?? then I decided to ask the users within this forum ??

    Thanks anyway! I’ll keep on trying. I reckon it should be something based on js so maybe I’ll continue practising my skills and build my own counter ??

    Hey cristihainic, did you end up finding anything? I’m after something similar. I would like an author to see JUST his/her post stats (hits/unique etc) between certain time frames, and not have access to everyone elses.

    Thread Starter cristihainic


    @andrew Yup, I use the WP-PostViews plugin. Unfortunately, I don’t think you can set it to display the no. of views the way you want it to; it simply displays all views that eah article has received.

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