• Hello,
    We are given a task to do something like this –

    We need to make a Referral Program that that will generate random or custom coupon codes, All sale will be made through physical shop no online sale. Then we will print or email the code to the user.

    Then User can come at our physical shop and verify the code (like saying i was referred by “name” , Email , “our generated code”)

    Then we want to initiate 10% or any number of discount to their paypal.

    We wont have woocommerce as all the sale will be offline.

    We should have a search option to search the coupons and see the name and email we set when we create the code.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by James Huff. Reason: title de-caps’ed, no shouting please
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  • Anonymous User 9588789


    I don’t think you need a plugin to do what is described. Instead, use WordPress’s built in user account functionality differently:

    1. Make a new user account for each customer. Since they will never actually interact with your site, give them the Subscriber role.
    2. The username should be the coupon code. Use a random set of words or characters. You could use the password generator for this or a site like https://www.random.org/strings/.
    3. Fill in their name and email.
    4. De-select “Send the new user an email about their account” so they never get an email about their account.

    Once the account is set up, you can go to the Users page and search for customers by coupon code (username), name, or email. See: https://ibb.co/2qyL6Vf

    Thread Starter asifemon


    Hmm interesting thanks for the quick heads up mate

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