• Greetings from Dallas,

    I had someone help setup a site for me over a year ago, but he’s come and gone.

    My site is still up & I keep updating stories, but it’s SO POOR and wasting what I think is a lot of potential.

    I don’t know how to do anything, just have ideas and can do some nice photoshop designs, logos, and have all kinds of time.

    Is anyone willing to help me? I can’t even figure out how to replace the basic 960×100 logo on my site. I can’t figure out how to put the direct Twitter-Follow logo I see on everyone else’s site.

    Days, weeks, months, now years have gone by and I think I am wasting a lot of potential just because I don’t know what to do technically.

    I know sports, but not the web design skills, with or without WordPress.

    Anyone want to help me?
    Anyone here in the Dallas area?

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  • Howdy,

    Perhaps take a good read through the many great tutorials and documentation on the WordPress site. One really doesn’t need “web design skills” as much as they do need basic computer, reading and comprehension skills ?? Lots of great books available as well ??

    You say you have lots of time, so there ya go! ?? … think positively! It’s not that difficult.


    Thread Starter packersinsider


    Thanks Lyle,

    One simple question I have is how/where do I change/swap my main header photo? I’m using 3.0.

    Is this main part found under menu, theme, etc?

    That depends upon which theme you are using. If you are using the default 20-10 theme (and it is activated), that can easily be done from Appearance > Header > Upload image.

    If you are using another theme, then it is more than likely in the images folder of that theme. Just log in via FTP to your hosting account and it will be in /wp-content/themes/theme_name/images.

    If you do not know how to do the latter, then I would suggest using a bit more of that “time” and get to learn FTP, WP in general, etc.

    Thread Starter packersinsider


    Thank you pa23250c,

    Many years ago, I did take a course in FTP and think I remember the basics enough to do that, however I just have to figure out where the hosting account was setup by the guy. I updated this site for the past year and only accessed it right from the packersinsider.com site directly.

    I think it might be godaddy…. does that sound right?
    See, I’m not the brightest bulb in the shop.

    Thread Starter packersinsider


    Alright, I have found and accessed my FTP in godaddy.
    I see all that stuff, you’re right, it’s under content/theme/images.
    I see the packer_header image in there, and just header in there, both are the same one that I want out.

    I uploaded the new one into there.

    But what should I do? Delete these old files and then rename the new ones to match what the old name was?
    Do I then have to do anything within my wordpress packersinsider site in their admin or will it automatically adapt from this FTP thing?

    A good idea is to rename the existing images first in case you want to use them again; rename them something like this: header.jpg -> headerORG.jpg. Then FTP the new image(s) and make sure they are named exactly the same as the originals; otherwise, you will have to adjust in the code where the image file names are declared.

    Thread Starter packersinsider


    THANK YOU PA23250c!

    I did exactly the tricks and tips that you said, renaming it as you said, and it worked!

    I’m so happy to see my new logo design show up now on my site.

    This may have not been a tough issue for you guys, but I am so happy to have gotten thru it (without throwing anything thru my window).

    I’m still confused by the godaddy/wordpress thing, but I like posi+ive steps!

    ?? Great to heat that you got it going! A VERY nice looking site you have there! ?? If you would like, I can give you a quick walk-thru of your Go Daddy hosting as I have installed literally 100’s of Joomla! sites ( and now a few WP ones! – they have the same requirements) on GD shared Linux accounts. Head over to the second site in my profile where info is on how I do that; no charge for a quick run through ??


    Thread Starter packersinsider


    Can anyone tell me why, now, when you go to my site, the www. part goes away?

    This never was the case before last week when I changed my header. A coincidence?

    you go here, and I think you will see that the www part disappears and you see the little thing in the lower left corner about an error on the page.

    Anyone know how I fix this? Is it in the admin within the packersinsider.com site, or at godaddy where it’s hosted?

    I need a partner with brains to match my football knowledge.

    Must be a coincidence as changing the header image would not have any effect on that ??

    What “else” did you do / change /modify /add on or about that time? This is generally done from the Domain Manager in the Go Daddy Hosting Control Panel.

    Can you tell me about Goddady im looking for a better hosting for this site > > https://www.latincrib.net


    I’ve been waiting for someone to ask ?? These are observations from someone who has been using GD Linux shared hosting for almost 5 years. I have installed literally 100’s of Joomla! sites (the very same technology as behind WP), numerous WP sites and a sprinkling of Drupal sites. I can say in all honesty that I have never, ever … not once! … had any issue. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. The only time I have ever had to call support is for something that I myself had screwed up; and the few times I did call, the phone was answered in less than 5 rings, by a tech, that was in Scottsdale, Arizona!!! ??

    I have almost 3,000 posts on the Joomla1! Forum and so many that I answer have to do with hosting that is not up to snuff in some way or the other; I have never had this problem with GD. Ever. Permissions are always properly set and the most stables versions of PHP, MySQL and Apache. Never an issue. Not one! Ever!

    …BUT …

    And this is my BIGGEST GRIPE about GD … Their Hosting Control Panel for shared Linux accounts SUCKS THE BIG ONE!!! You have to get into one of their “dedicated server product” to get cPanel or PLESK. This HCP is written in what looks to be ASP.NET and at first, I thought it was because of my somewhat outdated hardware. Nope. Same thing when using a brand new, up-to-spec laptop on a high speed connection. It is SO SLOW to get the File Manager to appear and be workable. Same for when your move between tasks (such as the database – which, by the way, had it’s own “manager” and you only get the standard phpMyAdmin AFTER the database has been set up …which is one other sticky point: can take a few minutes).

    The other BIG issue with their HCP is that there is a 20MB limit on the size of a ZIP that can be created! What a PAIN! Makes backing up a site a PITA if there are a lot of media files, etc.

    From a performance perspective, that all depends. The majority of the sites that I have installed with them have been relatively low-traffic sites; less than 100 unique visitors per day, so I can’t attest to how a heavily visited site would perform. Additionally, as with most shared hosting plans, there has been the odd occasion where some other site(s) on a particular server have been getting “nailed” and it does affect the others. But this had been temporary and sporadic. In one case, they moved a client’s account to another server, no charge and right away.

    So I am sure there are others that would be just as good if not better, and I have been tempted to switch myself, on occasion. But, the one other thing about GD is that because they are a domain registrar, I can buy a domain and hosting plan and have the site “live” in less than an hour! ?? Plus it’s so nice to have the domain(s) where the hosting is … SO much less work!


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